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Sermon Notes Part 2- The Judgement

Now this part of today's sermon was convicting- I cannot write it to the effect of being there- it made me feel light headed and overcome with conviction, the price I would have payed to get Non-Christians to this part of the sermon..... and I'd have payed a heavy price too for proffesing Christians on here living for the things of this world to hear it.........

. You have a future.... your death day is in God's diary and he knows how will you die and the very hour of your death.

. At that very hour you will be given your eternal sentence.

. You will stand alone before Christ on the day of judgement and there will be nooone there to speak for you- your parents or friends will not be able to put in a good word and your pastor won't be there for spiritual help.

. False prophets from any religion will not be your advocate, fake gods from other faiths will not be there to help you, only one name saves!

. The good news? If you believe on Christ your very judge will be your very advocate!

. Do not play religious games- your eternal soul is at stake! Flee to Christ and trust in him and his shed blood for you on the cross alone- examine yourself that you truly believe this, because if not, you WILL be cast into hell forever, there is NO reincarnation or second chances.
For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:17

Jesus came to save, to make whole, and to preserve from danger, those who would trust in Him. To save in the sense of rescue, heal, and make whole. If people tell him they want nothing to do with him and mock and curse him, then God will give them the desires of their heart and honor their decision. Sin cannot enter heaven. He is not willing that any should perish, but have everlasting life in heaven. Nobody loves us like Jesus and he proved that on the cross.
kodiac · 22-25, M
All of these testimonials always end with threats . Do as i say or burn in hell . How is this any different from those who say death to infidels? It's my understanding that Jesus loves everyone saints and sinners alike .
Carazaa · F
@kodiac Alice Cooper has had his eyes opened to truth, who he is, a sinner, and who God is, all powerful and loving, so he wants to worship him. The Holy Spirit reveals this to us, and that Jesus loves us!
saintsong · 41-45, F
@Carazaa Alice Cooper of all people!!?? That just goes to show that God can save anyone!!! Praise our Father!! Thank you Jesus!!! Amazing work Holy Spirit!!!
Carazaa · F
@saintsong Yes, It is so beautiful to see the miracles in peoples hearts.
Miram · 31-35, F
Nah, I don't think God will throw me/cast me to hell just because of beliefs.

I lived with people who said this so often, and they were all so very wicked themselves in actions.

there will be nooone there to speak for you- your parents or friends will not be able to put in a good word and your pastor won't be there for spiritual help.

Just like in life 🤔
Miram · 31-35, F

I doubt that. I also doubt he would have looked down on a hippy as opposed to a pastor
@Miram Christ doesn't look down on anyone, hence his dying on the cross for anyone who comes to him.
Miram · 31-35, F
@BritishFailedAesthetic Keep your gatekeepers. I will keep my clean thoughts about Jesus.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
If you believe on Christ your very judge will be your very advocate!

This powerful sentence made my day
@DanielsASJ Brother, if I could've transported all the Christians with me to the church I went to this morning, I would have done!

I would've loved to introduce you all to everyone and the pastor is the most convicting preacher I have ever heard, if you have ever read about a 'great awakening' style preacher, that would be him!
Carazaa · F
That's right! "All have come short of the Glory of God!"
@Carazaa Amen sister!

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