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Unexplained depression, repeated failures

Jn 3:14-21. Jesus said to Nicodemus,
Just as Moses in the desert lifted up the serpent, so it is necessary to lift up the Son of Man, that whoever believes in Him may have eternal life. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.


For God did not send his Son into the world to judge it, but to save it. He who believes in Him is not subject to judgment; but he who does not believe has already been judged, because he has not believed who the only begotten Son of God is.
And the judgment is this: light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For everyone who does evil hates the light and does not cling to it, lest his deeds should become exposed.
But he who lives in the truth draws near to the light, so that his deeds may be seen as having been done in God.

All the rulers of Judah, the priests and the people, perpetrated iniquities, imitating all the abominations of the Gentile nations. – We hear thousands of times that something happened in the West a long time ago, so it's high time for Poles to follow in the same footsteps.
This is how homosexual relationships, abortion, euthanasia, political and economic fashions are argued. Jerusalem burned because no one's heart burned with love for God anymore when reading the sacred verses of the Torah.

History returns. Today, people wear amulets instead of scapulars, instead of kneeling at the confessional, they lie on psychoanalysts' couches or go to fortune tellers. Children carry Pokemon in their pockets instead of angel medallions.
Young people read "The Da Vinci Code", which shreds their intelligence more effectively than a knife shreds Chinese cabbage. The posters invite you to transcendental meditations, which promise to take you to another dimension for only PLN 50.

Why is this happening? Harald Baer states: "The explosion of occultism is a phenomenon of protest against ossified Christianity." Fascination with occultism is a manifestation of the insufficiency of the mystical element in the Church, as well as a certain ignorance.
Quackery, fortune telling, clairvoyance, Eastern meditations and many other alternative spiritual paths push man into evolutionary regression.
Of course, for a more complete picture, we also need alternative medicine, homeopathy, magic healing, a bit of spiritualism, hypnosis, bioenergy therapy, dowsing, and mysterious trances.
Maybe a pendulum over the cutlet to check whether it is spiritually positive, and a few silver acupuncture pins on the tip of the upturned nose. What is the result of such searches?

Unexplained depression, erratic behavior, uncontrolled desire, sexual deformities, uncontrollable anger, obsessive thoughts and feelings, constant fear, anxiety, nervousness or neurotic behavior, suicidal thoughts, indifference to spiritual matters, blasphemous thoughts against God, aversion to the sacraments, repetitive failure.
Not all spirituality comes from the Holy Spirit, there are also spirits darker than the night and leading a person into something worse than ordinary ignorance. “Magic is the power of the defenseless,” explains Hubert Kohle.
Is it any wonder that in Poland we have twice as many exorcists than ten years ago? Is it any wonder that they are overburdened and besieged by terrified penitents?

Nicodemus came at night and talked to Jesus in the darkness. He was in the dark. In fact, it was the darkness that forced him to look for Jesus. What forces us to conversion is the enslavement of darkness, the visible action of dark forces.
Whoever meets the requirements of truth comes closer to the light. Many people return to God only when their ungodliness brings them to such torment that life becomes unbearable for them. How to get out of this? The first thing is to return to Jesus Christ, even in the darkness of night!
missyann · 56-60
Wonderfully said. There is nothing to add..

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