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You are not afraid of this truth

Jn 12:20-33. There were also Greeks among those who came to the festival to worship God. They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, and asked, "Lord, we desire to see Jesus."
Philip told Andrew about it, and then they both told it to Jesus. Jesus answered them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.
I solemnly assure you: Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains there alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.


He who loves his life loses it; and he who does not overestimate his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me. And where I am, there will my servant also be. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.
Now I am deeply shocked. And what can I say? Father, save me from this hour? After all, I came for this reason – for this hour. Father, glorify your name!” Then a voice came from heaven: "I have already glorified you and I will glorify you again."
The people who were standing there and heard the sound said, "There was thunder," but others said, "An angel spoke to Him." So Jesus explained: “This voice came not for my sake, but for your sake.
Now judgment is taking place on this world. Now the ruler of this world will be removed. But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.” He said this to signify how he would die.
The episode from today's Gospel tells about the Greeks who one day came to the Apostles and asked to meet Jesus. It is characteristic that they did not come to Jesus immediately, but wanted to know Jesus through the mediation of the Apostles.
When you went to another city or country for a pilgrimage or a trip, you usually used the services of a guide. Without his knowledge, it was impossible to understand the history of the country and its monuments.
The guide did its job, but in the end you probably decided that you need to live in a given country to know and understand it well. It is similar with spiritual life and with knowing the secrets of the Most Holy Personality of Jesus Christ.
His Person is like a huge city that it is not enough to visit with the help of a guide, but it is best if you simply live in it. We need to "dwell" in God, "settle" in Him and discover the treasures of Life and Wisdom in Him.
It is not enough to get to know Him only from the outside, like some attraction or an "ancient" figure from antiquity. And one more thing: you need a guide! Such a guide in our spiritual life is every priest in whom we sense a deep knowledge of Christ - one who is "at home" in prayer and the Bible.
What role did the priest - spiritual guide - play in getting to know Jesus in your life?
Jeremiah wrote that at the time of the Messiah's coming, God will be closest to man, even tangibly knowable, so that no one will wander anymore, looking for the truth about God in human wisdom.
When Philip stood before Andrew, telling him of the Greeks' desire, they both knew that the world had been presented with the opportunity to know God directly in Jesus. Jesus is the best "guide to the interior of God" and at the same time he is God himself!
We can learn more about God from no one in the world than from God Himself, and that is Jesus.
Why didn't Philip go straight to Jesus, but asked Andrew about the possibility of the Greeks knowing Jesus? As if he didn't want to decide for himself whether it was possible to allow unknown people with unknown intentions to get to know Jesus. For Philip, Andrew and the rest of the Apostles, Jesus was not only a miracle worker and preacher, but the Son of God who privately explained to his friends the secrets of his life.
However, these Greeks were not tourists who wanted to take a closer look at some miracle worker out of curiosity. They wanted to enter the depths of the mystery of Jesus' life and stay there.
What is your knowledge of Jesus like? Is it enough for you that God exists? Do you believe in Jesus because this is the tradition of your nation and family, or because you yourself have chosen Him as the Lord of your life? Knowing Him is inextricably linked to knowing yourself. Aren't you afraid that you will learn not only the truth about Jesus, but also about yourself?

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