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Bethany in Nigeria

I will start this off with the story of Mary (the daughter of Bethany). Mary was abducted by terrorists, she was eventually released after a horrific ordeal and used an Open Doors trauma centre for psychological healing.

Sadly, contrary to the heretic word of faith preachers, tragedies happen and Mary, our dear sister in Christ, died from an unrelated illness.

After going through her daughter Mary's death, Bethany herself was later abducted by terrorists and when released, she too had to use the Open Doors healing centre.

Open Doors have helped Bethany by giving her a loan to start up a business, her business is now thriving and she now can afford to keep her 2 daughters in school!

We can know that though Mary is no longer on earth and led a very hard life, she is now rejoicing and praising God in eternal bliss and if she knows about her mum's situation, she is rejoicing before the Lamb in heaven!

As for Bethany the pain of losing her daughter will never fully go away but a verse comes to mind from Psalm 30:5- "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."


Story and picture of our sister in Christ Bethany from Open Doors
What happens to people like this is tragic. What I have a serious issue with is using such situations for spiritual manipulation and spiritual coercion.

That is just as predatory and all so that people on the other side of the globe can brag about conversion statistics.
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@BritishFailedAesthetic You and I both know these organisations exist to convert people. Everything else is secondary.

And you have no proof at all that they were attached for being Christian. It makes a great narrative though that also conveniently supports the conversion goals.

And we both know help from such organizations almost always come with the unwritten rule that you join the club first, then you get the help. It is spiritual coercion.

Most people would convert to anything including Scientology if it meant getting help in a conflict zone.

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