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Imprisoned in Iran

I do wonder that hopefully the stories I post of our imprisoned brothers and sisters in Christ, do not romanticise their situation.

Laleh Saati was recently imprisoned by the Iranian authorities for her Christian activities, her situation is grim.

After Laleh's mum went to visit her in prison, her mum reported Laleh is not only struggling but she is also struggling with her mental health and needs proffesional support (which the Iranian authorities will not give.)

Please remember Laleh in your prayers and pray that she will know that God is on her side and that he will never leave or forsake her.

OverTheHill · 56-60, M
After reading your posts, I pray for these brothers and sister and their situation.
@OverTheHill Thanks so much, it's always encouraging to see Christians praying about their persecuted brothers and sisters!
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@graphite Iran certainly is with a tyrannical government.

With this we can bare in mind we have brothers and sisters in Christ in Iran, Israel and Palestine.
graphite · 61-69, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic At least her sentence is only two years in the Iran hellhole. Hopefully, she can hold up for the next 21 months. There should be organizations trying to get her out, but this is Iran, which might just be Satan's World Capital.
@graphite Let's pray she gets released earlier, from understanding she also has medical issues.

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