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The Gospel

Let's read Acts 20:17-38.

This should really challenge us as Christians- the Holy Spirit informed the Apostle Paul that all that awaited him was suffering and imprisonment.

The Apostle Paul went through the above with tears and with humility.

If you are like me these verses are very challenging- I admit I do a poor job of sharing the Gospel with others but there really is no excuse not too- we must do it whatever the cost, including broken family relationships.

It's great to keep telling of the stories of our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ across the world but here's another thought- what would they say to us, who are too self-conscious to share the Gospel in the free West?

We need to reflect on the fact the Apostle Paul said his life was of no value, so impassioned was he with the Gospel.

DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
Brother, you do well in spreading the Gospel. I feel refreshed reading you, whenever I do.
@DanielsASJ Thankyou so much, I always appreciate the encouragement!

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