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A very special Wednesday Bible Study

Well, yesterday Open Doors volunteers came to give a talk at Church about our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ- it was such a blessing to hear their message and to meet the volunteers who work so hard to raise awareness of our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.

Talking to them after they shared the same frustrations as I did about why many proffesing Christians do not appear to care about their persecuted brothers and sisters across the world.

It is EMBARRASSING that a certain socialist on here named after a surly hotel owner knew more and cared more about the persecuted church than proffesing Christians on here do- too wrapped up in politics and spouting posts about their family lives I guess.

Back on topic- here are the notes:

. Remember the persecutors- noone is beyond God's saving grace if they accept the Gospel.

. A man and his wife distributing Bibles in an undisclosed Country saw a man that looked like your typical extremist- even holding an AK47 at a petrol station- the woman urged her husband to give the man a Bible and after much convincing he turned around- he hands the man with IS gear a Bible and says "behold the word of God. Does he get killed? Shot? Arrested? Nope, the man breaks down crying and says he saw a vision of a couple handing him a Bible a few days ago!

. A man was in prison for following Christ- he longed so deeply to have communion and fellowship with another Christian but one day who showed up in his cell? Christ himself to give him communion!

In a Western context with my reformed theology I'd be extremely skeptical of such claims of visions, etc but I believe it from the persecuted Church. Why? In the West we have easy access to Christ centred resources- there is no excuse! In persecuted Countries there is limited access to such resources and people are hungrier for Christ!

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