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About that Ouija post earlier....

I do wonder if some were worried about the poster dabbling in the occult for all of the wrong reasons.

You see some may be concerned for the wrong reasons- they may be superstitious and think a demon may grab their soul, etc.

No- God is sovereign over all things and the soul belongs to God, it cannot be claimed by anyone else.

While the Occult can certainly do harm to an individual, this too often gets emphasised and all over things get ignored- if you reject Christ as your saviour, you are just as much in spiritual danger as someone who plays with a Ouija board or tarot cards.

So to the poster- get rid of those items and reflect on your standing before God- you cannot afford to get your eternal salvation wrong.

So rather than seeking the supernatural in the occult that will ruin you spiritually, seek joy in the supernatural in the correct way- by reading God's word, relecting on God and his glory and seeking the Lord in prayer.

Hell does not require a deal with the devil, etc. It is where you go if you reject Christ's shed blood on the cross for your sins.

Pictured below- a medium attempting contact with the "dead"

Learning from my mistakes, I'll not be dignifying ouija boards w/concern anymore
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP Sorry, not sure what you mean.
@BritishFailedAesthetic I mean, sure they're weird and creepy, even from a secular perspective, but they're the sorts of things that thrive off hate. The more negativity they get, the better off they are. So now I just smh (literally) and get on w/my life
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP I see. But yes I'm not downplaying the harm they do as they are of the devil.

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