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The goal of existence

"This is the chief goal of anyone's existence, 'to know God- to glorify him and enjoy him forever." So writes J Cameron Fraser in the Banner Of Truth.

. This is why our Pakistani Christian sisters can make it through the struggle of having their husbands in jail and raising the children alone- only getting to see their husbands through a glass window once a month.

. This is why Eritrean Christians can make it in a shipping container jail cell with multiple amounts of other people.

. This is why a Chinese pastor counted it as all joy when he was moved to a more packed jail cell and was happy as he got more people to preach the Gospel too- and baptised new converts with rain water.

I don't think we in the West will ever experience the joy of the Lord our persecuted brothers and sisters face abroad- and even they will never grasp the infinite glory of God.

That is why in Heaven and the New Earth our joy will keep growing into perpetuity at the joy of being with God forever!

@ThreeLittleBirds Thankyou so much, your encouragement is really valued!
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