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This is not possession

Jesus says all these words in the Gospel to explain the meaning of the Resurrection. Although we celebrate His Resurrection every year, sometimes we don't really know what it is about. Is this a sequel to Life After Death or something else? Eternal life is not a continuation of this Life after death.


When Jesus says that he will not leave his friends orphans, he emphasizes that he will not actually go away, but will come differently. Becoming orphaned and leaving would be the greatest harm from the point of view of the Old Testament. Jesus can do this,
you can't awaken love in someone and then abandon them halfway. This is a disservice, it's worse than depression. God cannot do such a thing, he would be irresponsible for the feelings he arouses in us as humans.
That is why he tried so hard to explain to his disciples the meaning of his departure and why we too are deprived of his visible, sensual presence. Only we have His hidden presence, in the sacraments, in the Bible, in another person, and in the orphan.
Jesus says: "In a little while, the world will not see me, but you see me, because I live, you also will live. Today such words are spoken: death and resurrection will make Jesus a hidden God for the world, but he will not be hidden for his disciples.
He will appear to them and fill them with the Holy Spirit so that they can discover in God the Father the unique presence of God, the Son, the Holy Spirit in their lives. To be included in another life, not of this world.
One of the theologians says: "Resurrection or the ascension into heaven was not Jesus Christ's escape from a difficult situation, his departure into the afterlife, but his giving way to us."
Receding, and on the other hand, Jesus hid himself so that other generations could occur, because if the resurrection turned out to be in its fullness, that is, Jesus showed the fullness of his new life at that time, it would be the end of the world, there would be no new generations.
So today, if we were not there, He gave way, so that time could continue to develop, so that the next generations could discover it. That's why he hid himself, just like God did when he created the world - he hid himself so that people could develop.
Saint Matthew, when he talks about resurrection, calls resurrection the opposite of generation, contrary to death, the use of death in order to become the womb of the new birth.
God's incredible escapade in our reality. It is about giving birth in spite of death, about death, which is in fact a birth into life without death.
Our entire life is marked by mortality and finitude, but mortality leaves us all incomplete, unfinished, as if left halfway. Many people die not when they should die. They are 3 years old, 5, 15, 18, these are not completed lives,
and resurrection is like a new creation, taking up this interrupted life and giving it a new chance. God is the God of the living, not the God of the dead.
So God takes up the line of human existence interrupted by death, like a broken rope, and ties a new knot, but gives this rope a new direction - no longer a continuation of this life, but eternal life, a completely different type of life.
Resurrection is a radical renewal of our existence, our life, deification. You can believe it or not. That's why God hid himself in Jesus Christ, he doesn't impose his resurrection, because each of us has a choice - either he believes and goes into it, or he doesn't believe and goes to an amusement park or to the cinema. He has free choice. Each of us is free to do whatever we want.
In any case, not in this world can all this be accomplished. Something that is immortal cannot be fulfilled in a history marked by mortality; it can only appear here so that we have some idea about it, so that we can believe in it.
Even the apostles didn't really believe what Jesus was saying, they didn't really understand what he really meant. When he says that after 3 days I will rise from the dead, the resurrection is in absolute contradiction with everything we know about this world. It is against this world.
This world has death and decay inherent in it, while resurrection, on the contrary, assumes the emergence of a new, extraordinary form of life, even completely unknowable. It cannot be put into words because it escapes our knowledge.
Therefore, Jesus appeared and disappeared, as if he were visible only in certain bands, in certain ranges. He passed through closed doors, ate fish, but, for example, he appeared in Emmaus.
He only showed himself so that the apostles would have a basis to testify that this was so. But if Jesus stayed completely in this world, this world would have to end. And that's it, the world would have ended 2,000 years ago.
He gave way to us, we could constantly experience the life of those who are already on the other side, if we crossed the borders of this world, for us all this is hidden, but also this crossing of the borders of this reality awaits us, because Christian theology, both Catholic and Protestant, as well as the Orthodox Church, it preaches Parousia - the coming.
We believe that Jesus will come to us again, not to be judged, but to judge us.
He will no longer come in modesty, but he will come in glory, and then it will truly be the end. There will be a transfiguration of this world. Whoever believes will pass into the resurrection of life. Whoever didn't want to believe chose. Whatever he wanted, he had free choice. He had many years, many centuries to wonder,
Why didn't the Parousia take place then? Because this world would be completely changed, abolished. There would be eternal life, and we would not have been born. Everything would have ended 2,000 years ago, and Christ did not come to destroy this world, but to perfect it.
This world has its role, it has its own meaning. It is an incubator in which we only mature to the possibility of living in normal conditions, i.e. eternal life. If someone interrupted the stay of such a premature baby, which was born too early, and took it out of the incubator, it would be dangerous.
We must mature in this world, in this incubator, until we are so filled with the Holy Spirit that our death will not be dangerous for us. To have the Holy Spirit within us in this life, to become Him, and to find such a strong bond with God the Father that when the moment of death comes, it will not be a shock, a catastrophe, or a fall into the abyss for us.
Because suddenly it will turn out that we have nothing in common with God, except that we knew that He exists. The devil knows that much. And this is about a living bond, like between a child and its daddy. We have 60, 70 years to do this. You have to hurry, because it's probably not too much.
If Christ's resurrection suddenly took place and was revealed in our world with all its consequences, it would perhaps resemble the jump of a six-month-old baby lying in an incubator into the form of a 33-year-old man. That would be too strong.
God leaves us a lot of time, millions of seconds in which we can mature to a new life and discover the Father in God, so that death will not be a catastrophic fall into the abyss for us, because unfortunately such abysses exist.
So Jesus is different after the resurrection and he shows us a little what kind of life we will live in. Sometimes he appears in several places at once, he passes through walls, he shows himself to the disciples in Emmaus.
They cannot recognize Him, only in the breaking of bread will they recognize Him. Suddenly it disappears, we see that there is another world in this world, or our world is just a fragment of a huge world in which we only mature, in some tree nursery, to later grow to full size and develop.
In fact, Jesus was invisible and is invisible, and only sometimes appeared, and not only for these 40 days, because we know mystics, we know various saints, St. Faustina, Saint Catherine, who experienced the presence of the living, resurrected Jesus, even though it was many years after his resurrection.
For him there is no problem with time, we have a problem with time. The Ascension is not a departure, but simply a cessation of appearance, an end to its appearance in a form perceptible to the senses, and a beginning to be understood in the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is present, but he is hidden, so that we can calmly choose and create our relationship with God the Father. He gave us his seat and hid the sacraments, the Bible, the church, the other person behind the screen.
Jesus is everywhere, you can meet Him, but he gave us a lot of space to discover in God the Father, in the Holy Spirit: in the sacraments, in the church, in the Bible. But finally, let's talk about one more place where we can meet Jesus Christ in a unique way.
It is also present in the most despised person. He's just taken a liking to the fact that he's not in some VIP group, but in the most despised units.
And the Christian Church actually gave a privileged place to orphans, widows, strangers and those who had no support. Jesus really wanted to be among such people, and he often talked about it.
He also said that the last will be first, he gives all those despised his extraordinary presence. He doesn't replace their personality with his own personality, it's not some kind of possession like in the case of a demon.
But the Holy Spirit makes Jesus present in the most despised people, giving them His presence as in no other person: orphans.
Analogously, although perhaps completely differently, it is present in the humble, despised food, Holy Communion. It's not a cake, it's a piece of bread. It can be despised, and many people despise it, but not all.
This Holy Communion is also an orphaned bread for many people. When we read in the Gospel of Matthew, in chapter 25, the final scene, referring to the vision of judgment, when Jesus comes in glory, it says that all the peoples will be gathered there, and many people will be surprised, because Jesus will tell them:
"You who have been able to see me and have benefited from this grace, go to the right, you are blessed. You who have rejected me, go to the left."
And everyone will say: "But Lord, when have we rejected You, because we don't even know. We haven't seen You." He will say, "Truly, truly, I say to you, what you did to one of the least of these of mine, the orphans, you did to me, the despised orphans, the wounded; for I was hungry and you gave me food.
I was thirsty, you gave me drink. I was a stranger, and you have accepted and so on", and enumerates the various possibilities that each of us, atheist, Hindu, etc., has had the opportunity to apply with mercy and love to the most orphaned in this world.
Jesus says: "You will be judged on this, even if you had no chance to be a Christian, you will be judged on your attitude towards an orphan, because I, the Lord God, was also an orphan, I was rejected by my own nation.
I, the Lord God, was also someone whom people have orphaned, and that is why I will wait for you in orphans,
we brothers and sisters, we are faced with this word as before great visions and great verification, and great possibilities of opportunities to use our lives in such a way that we enter this place after the Son of God , whom Israel orphaned, to discover in the Holy Spirit that God is our Father, and to acquire an incredible identity, the awareness that one is a child of God,
and during these several dozen years of life, to establish such a relationship with God that death would not be a catastrophe, only a passage.
And on the other hand, all this is helped by the hidden, despised presence of Jesus in the Bible, in the sacraments, in the despised church, covered with mud, and of course in the orphan. Amen.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
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