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The testimony I will never forget.

Church was good this week- no notes on the sermon but it was baptism where numerous people gave their testimony and got baptised.

They do this fairly frequently but out of all testimonies there is one I don't think I'll ever forget.

The woman who was being baptised was unable to speak as she was so overcome with emotion, so she got her mum to read her testimony for her.

The testimony was incredible- she wrote about herself making all the wrong decisions in life- mixing with the wrong crowd, doing drugs, getting in trouble with the law and then being a single mum at 16.

What struck me the most was the testimony contained an amazing description of the seriousness of sin, the sovereignty of God and her overwhelming thankfulness to Christ for saving her- the thing you'd usually see someone like Paul Washer describe.

After being baptised her joy was abundantly clear- people like her really make you think about your own faith in Christ- how can I be more like that?
OverTheHill · 56-60, M
What am encouraging and uplifting service to be at. Christ truly transforms lives.
@OverTheHill Amen, he truly does!

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