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Why Bother?

Christians why view other Christians as family and care about them?

Many biblical answers which you should research but I want to focus on the commentary of Acts 9:4 from my study Bible.

Because Jesus identifies himself so closely with those who trust and follow him, to persecute the followers of Jesus, is to persecute Jesus

Wow! Did you catch that? That is one of the many reasons why we should view other Christians as family and have concern for our persecuted bretheren around the world.

So Christians- maybe stop obsessing over politics and acting as if that will change your Country's spiritual state and for those Christians self absorbed in your family life on here, at least take a moment to think of your persecuted Church family who have lost their own children.

So why bother about our Church family? What about others?

Understandable for a non Christian to ask this question and I will say that if a terrorist attack occured where your family were, your first thoughts would be if your family are ok.

If you are a Christian and asking this, well what can I say? You clearly do not understand that other Christians are just as much relatives as your own blood family, read what the Bible has to say about this.

Below- A recent memorial for the victims of the Sri Lankan church bombings- a reminder that as Christians we have Christian family across the world from all ethnicities and cultures.

This is good my brother, and there should also be a love for the lost too, but one step at a time.
@SW-User Thanks for that I try my best!

Should also inform you I only drink coffee and not tea 🤭
@BritishFailedAesthetic Well that's one stereotype myth busted!! ty
@SW-User I know! I'm an abomination! 🤪
Mind your business. You cant control others sir.
@starbucksgirly Bible thumper is just a secular insult.
@starbucksgirly Obviously a Christian trusts in Christ's shed blood on the cross for their sins ALONE for their eternal salvation.
This message was deleted by its author.
I’m aware of that one. Christians have been taught that non believer can never be good human
@mysteryespresso We all are born with original sin. Nothing to do with my post.
@BritishFailedAesthetic @BritishFailedAesthetic
Christians why view other Christians as family and care about them?

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