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Sermon Notes

Today the Church continued with the theme of Job and suffering.

. We can't be "neat and tidy" Our walk is full of weakness, struggle of faith, etc. We are not perfect people who have it all together!

. God is not a God who is distant, Christ (God the Son) experienced suffering too.

. "If I was God I would" We are creation but we want to be creator- we want to be the top dog!

. When we raise the question of suffering, we must remember that human knowledge and comprehension is very limited.

. Suffering in our lives usually comes before joy- but even if we suffer for the rest of our lives- an endless eternal joy awaits- being with God forever. Ofcourse this can only happen if we accept Christ as our saviour and trust in his shed blood on the cross for our sins- there is NO other way to heaven.

. The Vicar concluded the sermon with the wonderful quote by Corrie Ten Boom: "There is no pit so deep, that God's love is not deeper still."

Jarffff · 46-50
Sounds like a good series, our church is going through Acts .... thanks for sharing, and those nuggets of insight, Job and suffering is a rich field of inquiry.
@Jarffff It really is, so much mysteries for meaningful reflection!

Acts is such a great source of encouragement, even for today!

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