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We cordially invite you to listen to the beautiful message of God the Father, given to Linda Noskiwicz.
You are Mine, My children, and I am giving you the opportunity to convert and come to Me. Beloved children, know joy through your understanding and acknowledgment of My Great Love for you. You are lost when you do not know Me. Dear children, I am searching for the souls of all My children.


Bring My beloved children to Me through deepest prayer, empathy and Love for your Brothers and Sisters, for how can you draw My children to Me if your own souls are weak? Beloved children, I am abundant in My Love. I offer it freely to you. She is great.
My Love knows no bounds or limits. Come to Me, My beloved children, and know the comfort of My Love and Salvation. Beloved children, you are never alone because I am always with you or among you. You cannot drive Me away from you.
Every day, in the smallest detail, I miss you and your Love. Give Me your Love, My children. Bring Me your Love and I will give you great graces and perform a miracle if it is necessary for your good. I love you and I work Miracles out of my great love for you.
Beloved children, love my beloved Jesus, the Christ who saves you. It is through His Great Love and Sacrifice that you are saved. Beloved children, He endured the pains and agony of the Cross so that you could be saved. O Dear Children, do you not see His Gift as it is?
It is Eternal Life with your Lord God and Father. He has given you this out of His pure Love and Sacred and Merciful Heart. Do not be reckless with your Souls My Beautiful Children. You do not understand the weight of your sins when you reject the abundant Love of Christ. Do not hurt His Sorrowful Heart even more by rejecting His Sacrifice and rejecting His Love.
Beloved children, you are for me as I am for you. Know that My Love for you is greater than anything you can imagine. My Love for you is manifested in every thing you see and everything I give you. It is out of My Great Love that I give you great Graces and spiritual food.
Beloved children, be aware that your life will not always be easy. In My Name you will face adversity and great tribulations. Do not be afraid, but seek My Blessings and grace from Me. I do not abandon My children and I hear the prayers of those who pray. I hear your longings and your pleas.
I answer every prayer with such Love and Heavenly understanding. O beloved children, trust Me completely and know that this is the truth. Beloved children, be aware that your time is short. You cannot live your life in darkness. You must live in the Light of your Lord God who loves and adores you.
You cannot live apart from Me and be content. I am the Lord God of all heaven and earth. I command the sky and the oceans. I am the Creator of all things and where I am there is Light and Love. You cannot live in darkness. You must live in the Light of Love, in the Heart of Christ, My Beloved Son.
Beloved children, do you not see that sin harms you? Beloved children, adore Me. Pray at all times because prayer has power and I listen to the prayers of My children. You must pray because your prayers save the lives of many. Pray My children. I miss your prayers.
Do not wait for destruction before calling out to Me. Beloved children, take part in the Eucharist every day. Prepare your hearts for this great gift of Communion with your Lord God, Christ, King of heaven and earth. You cannot know the Blessings, the Honor, the Enormity of this Divine Communion with Christ Jesus.
If you had only a smattering of these blessings, you would miss Him every day and every night. You would not rest until you were blessed by the Communion of Christ. Beloved children, this is what I say, pray and prepare your Hearts for the Holy Eucharist and know the power of Communion. Beloved children, pray.
The Most Blessed and Divine Mother of Heaven and Earth asks for your prayers because she knows the power of your prayers and knows that My ears are bent to hear your every word. Do not break the Heart of the Queen of Heaven and Earth. She loves you as her Son loves you and as I love you. Listen to her words, beloved children.
Flee to the mantle of Her Love and find Jesus through Her Love for Him. Listen to her words, Beloved Children, and pray. Beloved children, you are Mine and I want you to choose My Love for you above the temporal rewards of this world. You cannot compare the gifts I give with those related to this World, for they are ephemeral things and are rarely good for your Souls.
Believe Me, My children, although you will face the bitter trials of this World, your reward in Heaven will be that your Hearts will yearn to suffer more in My Name. Beloved children, I tell you, do not despair when you are hated for your Love for Me.
Hurry to immerse yourself in the Light of My Love through your rich and endless prayers. I am the Holy God whose Love for you is infinite. Worship My Beloved Son, Christ, and bring Me the greatest joy you can imagine.
When you love and worship My Beloved Son, Christ, all of Heaven swells with Love and compassion for man and I look upon you with grace. Beloved children, place your hearts in the Hands of Christ. Trust in My Beloved Son and Our great Love for you.
My will is good and I do not pretend to be Love, for I am Love and your beloved hearts are safe with Me. Beloved children, pray. Pray and live according to My Will. I bless My children with infinite gifts for your obedience and I give you My Love which is great.
Beloved children, today I give you My Peace and I look favorably on those who pray among you. That's why I say: pray. Beloved children, pray.

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