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About to start some more summer reading......

A Banner Of Truth publication so it will be an edifying and spiritually enriching read 😌

To avoid confusion, the language is outdated- religion here refers to Christian faith, not world religions.
OverTheHill · 56-60, M
Enjoy your book.

A number of years ago, my family visited Northampton, Massachusetts to see some of the historic churches where Jonathan Edwards had preached. Northampton has changed very much since the time of Edwards. It now boasts one of the largest LGBQ+ populations in New England. When trying to find out information about Edwards and some of the historical locations there was hardly any information available at the Northampton Historical Society. It is truly a place that needs spiritual renewal and awakening.
@OverTheHill Wow, Northampton Pre-Revival was one of the places that kept zeal!

Imagine if revival started there again!

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