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A special type of friendship

So as I'm writing this I am sat at a cafe with my wife, soon to be picked up by my mate to celebrate his birthday , going to Southampton. He has a huge amount of friends from there and we're meeting them, should be great fun!

But there is a special type of friendship.

Last night after many prayers for Christian friends, that request was granted and my wife and I got to have great company and fellowship with another couple our own age from church.

Great evening- good company, great conversation, delicious lasagne and a great starter board.

What is so special? Well, as Christians we have a new family- our family in Christ- and that is why it is so great to have other Christians as friends.

I especially feel the blessing because as I have said, most of my friends are secular.
Carazaa · F
Christian friends is so special. It's like having prayer partners for eternity.
Musicman · 61-69, M
Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 That is so wonderful 😊😊😊
@Musicman Thanks so much it's, such a blessing!
SamInAZ · 41-45, M
What's lasagne? Is that how you guys spell lasagna over there?

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