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The church in need in Ukraine

It really was heartbreaking to read about our brothers and sisters in Christ in Ukraine and what they are going through- our Ukrainian sisters having to leave their Country behind and flee with their traumatised children from shelling by Russian forces.

Our Christian brothers having to stay and fight off the illegal invasion by Russia (and in many cases our Christian sisters in Ukraine are doing this too).

It was encouraging though to read about the aid Barnabas Aid is giving to our Ukrainian Christian family and their stories of hope, whether they are still in Ukraine or are refugees in another Country, and the article is well worth a read!



But see what happens when you just want to be an alt right edgelord and support Russia's invasion? Real people are affected by this illegal invasion, it isn't a game!

Such precious Souls that all need praying for. Thank you for this.
@LadyGrace Thanks sister, I just see so much disinformation on this on SW and Christians fooling for it.

I just cannot stand seeing Christians on here saying they support Russia when Russia persecute Christians in their own Country and in the parts of Ukraine they occupy too!

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