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As many don't like reading these posts here's a visual demonstration of my earlier post.

If you are Christian and magically find the money to donate for the first time this year and plan to send it to a politician, where should the money go?

To said politician?

Or persecuted Church family?

BritishFailedAesthetic · M Pinned Comment
So I have seen a certain politician raised 200 million dollars, if only Christians who gave to him, had used that money instead for a charity like Voice Of The Martyrs......

Wow that's a powerful post brother! Absolutely true! We need to get our priorities in line. God always comes first! Great illustrations.
@LadyGrace Thanks sister, I know many are going to take this as an attack on who they vote for but that is not what I am saying.

I am just talking financial priorities in giving!
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
I don't understand what you're asking
@DeluxedEdition This is for Christians.

You find the money to donate for the first time this year, you haven't given to church, charity, etc but you find some spare to give to a politician.

Are you really going to give to someone who does not care about you, why don't you have that zeal for say, persecuted Church family?

Sorry, I don't mean you personally lol just explaining.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@BritishFailedAesthetic You make a very wonderful point here. Well said.
@DeluxedEdition Thankyou! I was wondering there if I came across as being percieved as crazy.

I know I am 😅 but this post was not meant to be.

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