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The Eritrean Church

Eritrea is Africa's equivalent of North Korea, so this Sunday, as we head to church let us think of our brothers and sisters in Christ there.

When Abdullah converted and became a Christian, he actually shared his faith- in a Government office! (I do not have the man's courage- do you?)

One coworker really hated his evangelism and had it in him and tricked Abdullah into making a statement (he was secretly recording Abdullah) that got Abdullah jailed the next day.

Common types of jails in Eritrea are LITERAL cargo ship containers, so picture Abdullah there, locked in one, he was not allowed family visits and was denied access to even see his own wife.

Cargo ship containers magnify Eritrea's desert climate- boiling in the day and freezing cold at night, you are only allowed out of the cargo ship containers twice to use the toilet (as if you are a dog) and with all of this suffering Abdullah passed away.

My prayers of comfort for his wife, that she may know he is suffering no more and enjoying paradise with God. 🙏

Oh and before you say the charges were solely political, he could've escaped all charges if he'd have re-embraced his old faith.


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These posts are to raise awareness of our Christian brothers and sisters being persecuted across the world and for you to develop a heart for them, they are not an excuse to discriminate against others! Remember our brothers and sisters love their attackers and forgive them!
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Adstar · 56-60, M
Eritrea had a socialist revolution and as usual it turned into a communist gulag with a life time dictator who demands to be the peoples god.. Leftist controlled countries always end up being hell holes.. May the LORD comfort Abdullah and may be be one of the Greater Ones in Eternity..
May the LORD give strength to all His followers who are facing or will face similar abuse at the hands of leftist slaves of satan..
leftist slaves of satan..

I mean Eritrea is an authoritarian Orwellian state. Christians can be left or right.

But great thoughts and prayers on Abdullah!
Adstar · 56-60, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic Christians are neither left or right they are Christians.. But we can agree to disagree on this one and move on..
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
Yeah man, the stuff that happens to Christians in North Africa and Southwest Asia is horrible.
@basilfawlty89 Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, really appreciated!

God bless your beart!
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