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a message for the good people who are trying to save others🩷✝️

you can't save people!

You can't and shouldn't make people believe in Christianity. I get it, you want people to have eternal life but it's like the old saying "You can bring a camel to the water but you can't force it to drink".

In John 4:5-42, there's this Samaritan woman that met Jesus at the well. After they talked, the woman went back to her village to tell everyone about Jesus. She was passionate telling everyone!

Some people took her word for it and believed her off of the word of her testimony and her own encounter with Jesus. But other people did not believe her just off of what she was saying. They said they needed to see this Jesus for themselves.
Now after they saw Jesus and spoke with Him is when they started believing.

Revelation: we are like that Samaritan woman that met God at the well. Now we want to tell everybody about God. Some people are going to take our word for it and some people will have to meet God for themselves.

Pray for others every night.
Trust God. Trust God. Trust God.
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LadyGrace · 70-79
Salt777: a message for the good people who are trying to save others
you can't save people! You can't and shouldn't make people believe in Christianity.

Are you portraying a person who is a believer in God, yet is bashing Christianity? That's loving?? And what are you doing? 👇👇👇

Now we want to tell everybody about God. Some people are going to take our word for it and some people will have to meet God for themselves.

Pray for others every night.
Trust God. Trust God. Trust God.

Left up to Satan, most people won't find God for themselves, unless they are really having a hard time and needing help.

I don't know where you got the idea that Christianity or any other religion can save anyone, and that is certainly not what followers of Christ, believe. If you're going to talk about us, then make sure you have your facts straight.

For one thing, the word Christian simply means "follower of Christ." We are not following any religion of this world. Jesus made it very clear in His Word, that religion is nothing but man-made philosophy. Even HE is against it. Religion never saved anyone, because religion never died on the cross to atone for our sins....Jesus did. Jesus did not come to save certain religious groups. He came to save the whole world from the condemnation that sin placed on us, confirmed in John 3:16. He died for the world, not just some. So religion has nothing whatsoever to do with salvation. Further, the Bible states very strongly and clearly, that no one can work their way to Heaven by good works, good deeds, nor any self-effort.

What did Jesus do, after He ascended into heaven, but commissioned His disciples, and that means anyone who follows Christ, to spread the good news of Salvation in Jesus Christ, to the world? If that was wrong, He would not have told His own disciples to do so. He did that, because He knew he was going to ascend back to His Father in Heaven and He wanted us to carry on and spread His gospel.

No Christian believes they can save anyone. And NO CHRISTIAN is asking anyone to believe in Christianity, but to believe God. Like Jesus commissioned all His disciples, He commissions Christians only to spread the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ. Not some or ANY religion in this world. Followers of Christ are about spreading the gospel just like missionaries do around the world. If people want to listen, they can. If not, that's okay too. It's strictly up to them, but Jesus did say to spread His gospel to the world. I noticed even you are trying to do that, by your posts. 😳 Only it's not to be done by criticizing Christians. Jesus doesn't care about what denomination we are, or what special religious group a person belongs to. He's more worried about getting us all to heaven by his Plan of Salvation. John 3:16 says He came to save everyone.....not just some, or only "church goers". The Bible says salvation has nothing to do with our performance. It has everything to do, with asking Jesus to forgive our sins, and trusting and believing Him to keep His promise to save us, which He does. He turns NO ONE away.
Adstar · 56-60, M
I do not believe i save anyone when i share the Way of salvation via the Atonement of the LORD Jesus.. I believe the Holy Spirit convicts people and moves them to salvation as i am sharing the gospel.. Yes indeed we should share the gospel to anyone in the Hope that they shall come to salvation.. We do not know for sure who will and who will not embrace the truth of the LORD Jesus Christ before we give it a try..

Yes the Samaritan woman did talk to others and some did believe her report.. And some of them later would have come to believe in The LORD Jesus and accepted His Atonement for their sins.. But what if the Samaritan woman had remained silent about her encounter with the Messiah Jesus?? What chance would they have had to know the Way of salvation if the Samaritan had not attempted to convince them that she had met the Messiah???
Weird Jesus doesn't have this attitude when he tells us to go out to the world and share the gospel.
@LadyGrace It's great God makes it so simple for us!
LadyGrace · 70-79
@BritishFailedAesthetic Amen, brother. 👏
LadyGrace · 70-79
@BritishFailedAesthetic Alice Cooper grew up in a Christian home and his father was Pastor for 75 years. He calls himself the prodigal son, because he admits to straying away from God, but then came right back, because he knows nothing can substitute for God nor satisfy our Spirit, like God.
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
And share our experiences of Jesus like she did!
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@TheWildEcho none of us has the ability to save anyone, just to introduce them to the One who can!! Just like the woman at the well did!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
So what part of "Gp and make disciples" eludes you? We have the command from God Himself
Christianity teaches of automatic eternal life. It's merely compartmented into heaven and hell and only the one is called eternal life; a bit confusing - even for the Christian.
@LadyGrace You're moving the goalpost to a decision made before death. I don't contradict what the Bible says. I only clear up confusion it creates by mistakenly only calling eternity in heaven eternal life. Eternal existence in hell is also eternal life (of a bad quality).
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SW-User I'm not moving anything. And I never said once that your contradicting what the Bible says. We're discussing okay? Not arguing. The Deathbed is not a good time to make a decision for Christ, although some have, and only God knows their hearts if they were sincere or not or just trying to get in favor with God for the only reason to get to heaven. But that's a mighty risky thing to do, to wait until one is dying, to make a decision for Christ.

Yes. I never said that eternal life only meant in heaven. You are right when you say that eternal life can be either in heaven or hell. There's no dispute about that. All I'm saying is that if one wants to have eternal life in heaven, that is not automatically given. It has to be asked for.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
You're moving the goalpost to a decision made before death. I don't contradict what the Bible says. I only clear up confusion it creates by mistakenly only calling eternity in heaven eternal life. Eternal existence in hell is also eternal life (of a bad quality).

Eternal life in heaven with Christ is true life indeed. Eternal life in hell is not life at all but death being separated from God. God is the giver of life. When He created us, He gave us life, and has given us a chance to have eternal life through Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit. Those who reject God's good salvation end up in hell. Even though the live forever, they die an everlasting death without end; a torment no human can endure. Do you understand now?
Follow God not people.
salt777 · 18-21, F
@Husher Chase God not money.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
I wonder the motives of those who feel a compulsion to "save" others by proselytising.

Some of course, are merely trying to attract new "customers" to their own church or cult.

Outside of the rulers of the theocracies that are anyway just ruthless fascisms, do followers of other religions behave like it?
@salt777 @Kstrong Have we all changed your mind?
salt777 · 18-21, F
@BritishFailedAesthetic oh I'm not paying attention to what you and that old woman are talking about up there lol you guys aren't making any sense whatsoever and I don't want to put in any more energy answering all of that.

A real Christ follower doesn't hate on other people no matter on their race religion age sex or ect.

There are so many fake Christians out there especially on social media and the music industry, iykyk.
A real Christ follower doesn't hate on other people no matter on their race religion age sex or ect.

Yes I agree. But Christ and his sacrifice is the only way to salvation and scripture makes that 100% clear.

Also, have some respect for your elders.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@salt777 honey, keep your nasty remarks up, the likes of you couldn't ruffle my feathers, if you had a blow torch. I see you for who you are, nothing but a troll. Bye now! I'm blocking you.

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