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The bible makes It clear that time goes quickly, from the weavers shuttle in Job , the flowers of the field in Psalms to the morning mist in James!!
We only have this life to get right with God, it's imperative we don't put it off till it's too late!
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LadyGrace · Best Comment
Amen, brother. Thank you so much for this important post. Truer words were never spoken. Jesus will be back before we know it and some will be left behind. I wish more people believed that because eternity is an awfully long time to get it wrong. It's so sad that some refuse to believe Jesus and the Bible says that so many will miss heaven, because of unbelief, pride, ego, and stubbornness. Many will reject God's Plan of Salvation; the very thing that could have saved them and that's so sad because there are so many that will miss heaven, that the Bible says hell has had to enlarge itself. And it is not God that sends them there. It is the refusal to allow God to save them. They have rejected God's Plan of Salvation, the very thing that could have saved them and that's so sad. People always blame God and say that he sends people to hell but nothing could be further from the truth. If they were out in the ocean drowning and someone came to rescue them and threw out a Lifeline to save them, but they refused it, then it was not The Rescuers fault that they lost their life. Jesus has thrown out his Lifeline to the world. I pray that people will think about that and accept his offer to save them before it's too late.

TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@LadyGrace exactly

cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Time will go faster the closer we get to the end of this age. People need to make good use of it before it’s too late.
And time is running out! We need to cling to the ‘old rugged cross’ like never before!
Amen- as James says I believe- our life is but a vapour!
Thanks for BC.
Carazaa · F
"Today is the day of salvation"
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@Carazaa it certainly is, no one knows if we'll be alive tomorrow
Good post friend!
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M

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