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We can argue with God and miss heaven, or accept Him as Savior and miss hell.

The pure proof of the love of Jesus, is that He decided to suffer and die on the cross, to save everyone...including those that He knew wouldn't even return His love or even believe in Him, and in fact, would even curse, ridicule, mock, hate, and reject Him.

Some say Jesus didn't suffer. That's exactly what Satan would have you believe. You must decide whether you believe Satan or God. Your eternal destination depends upon whom you'll believe. Either you are telling yourself lies or someone is handing you lies, and is a false teacher, if you think Jesus didn't suffer and die on the cross. Follow these people and you're sure to miss heaven, because they certainly don't care about you, but Jesus does, and He proved it on the cross, when he paid for our sins. He loves us and cares about us, more than we'll ever know or understand.

I'm sorry if you don't or won't believe that, but I think you should give that a second thought, because as it stands, Jesus can't help any of us nor save us, if we're unwilling to see our sinful nature. Jesus said to trust Him to forgive us and save us from the condemnation sin placed on us all. Regardless of who refuses to accept His plan of salvation, it shall still be carried out for those who do, and nothing will ever change, in regards to His Word, which says the only way to heaven is through Jesus. He's not just any god. He is Lord and Savior, who came to save the WORLD from sin....and not just those who follow Him...but ANY who will follow Him.

People who want to go to hell can follow Satan and his lies, plain and simple. Those who want to argue with God and His Word, and call him a liar, can... but they'll never see heaven.

It is not I that says that only Jesus saves, but Jesus said it his self, and I'm just repeating it from His Word. Unbelief will get us nowhere except hell, because Jesus can't save people who won't allow Him to save them. It is Satan that wants you and everybody he can get, to spend eternity in hell with him. It's up to you, whom you wish to believe, but the Bible says you must make a choice, one way or the other, because if you don't choose, you leave your soul to chance and that means you'll miss heaven, for sure. We cannot drag our sins into a Holy Heaven. Excuses will only keep us from heaven, and when you really think about the value of your own soul, it is so precious that you cannot even place a value on it and to lose it for eternity because you neglected to take care of it, would be so devastating, tragic, and sad. That's why Jesus urges you to decide today. He's not willing that any perish without Him. John 3:16

Jesus never came to Earth to condemn anyone. That is obvious from His death on the cross, so that he could save us from hell. The very second we realize that our sins condemn us and not Jesus, then we can take a realistic look at ourselves and understand why we need Jesus. The Bible says that in the spiritual world, which is where we're definitely headed, without the shedding of pure, innocent sinless blood, there IS NO REDEMPTION OF SINS, in Hebrews 9:22. Who will you believe? Satan or Jesus? Jesus' pure, sinless blood sacrifice, washes away all our sins and they are remembered no more!....something we could never do, because our very nature is sinful.

Who else do you know today, that would give their very life to save you from hell? Who do you know, that would die in your place, to pay for your sins, because sin always brings death and separation from God, UNTIL we repent and ask Jesus to forgive us. There's nothing hard about that. Jesus did the hard part of paying for our sins on the cross. All we have to do, is accept His perfect plan of salvation and His purest blood sacrifice, as payment for our sins. This allows Him to save us and forgive us, so that we can spend eternity in heaven.

Jesus never said, "You better get your life right, before you come to Me." He never said, "You're too bad to be saved." Don't believe the devil. Believe the beautiful pure word of a sinless, perfect God. He said, "Come unto Me, all who are weary and heavy hearted, burdened by life and sin, and I will give you rest. I will save your soul and you will be My children, as I love you with all my heart and soul, and want you in heaven with me for eternity." That's what John 3:16 and 17 are saying to us.

There is NO CONDEMNATION to those who have had their sins forgiven. None at all. Sin cannot touch you, after Jesus does! It can tempt us, but never again condemn us, because the blood of Jesus, atoned for them all....and His grace covers them, once and for all. Can you save your own sinful self? Obviously not. Can Muhammad save you? He is not without sin, himself, so obviously not. Jesus said, "You can't COUNT on anyone else to save you from the condemnation that sin placed on you, but Me." Read John 3:16 and 17 and it will tell you that. It takes a SINLESS sacrifice....none other than Jesus. Jesus said, "You can certainly TRY another way, but I'm telling you in My Word, it won't work. Only My perfect plan of salvation will work." God doesn't want us playing games with our own soul and taking chances with it. That would be like playing Russian roulette with our living souls. It won't end well. Eternity is a long time to get it wrong. Salvation is not based on our performance. It is based on the works of Christ on the cross and His promise to save us. The following scripture verse, says it all. Don't gamble with your own soul. Today....not the day of salvation.

John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE. NO ONE comes to the Father except through Me.

That wasn't a suggestion. It is God's Truth. There's always room at the cross for one more. Jesus turns no one away.

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I like the opening of Galatians, Grace

Jesus is Lord
He gave himself for our sins to set us free from this present evil age.
God the Father raised Him from the dead.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SW-User Oh yeh! Good gospel. Thanks for sharing that
@LadyGrace Grace indeed. You cannot add to it or take from it. The sacrifice in the Cross does it all.
Amen- a thought I had while reading this is that God will answer all the questions we can't to non-believers.

The Gospel isn't a thing to be intellectually argued, it is for us to tell others.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@WhisperinAngelic101 We are all tainted with sin before we are saved. I am no different. I am not sinless like Jesus. I asked him to forgive me like anyone else, when they sin. No one is above Jesus. Jesus said please don't take revenge on anyone. Regardless of what people may think, they never get away with hurting anyone, because in the end, sin is always found out, always...and mean people who hurt others, account for their sins before the Lord.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@BritishFailedAesthetic it isn't to be intellectually argued with God, right. It can be discussed with others though, so that they can learn the truth. The Bible says to study the word to show thyself approved, rightly dividing the Word of God, and to beware of false teachers.
@LadyGrace Yes absolutely, I meant the questions we get stuck on.

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