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Will we recognize each other in heaven?

You can count on it! Christians who know and love each other on earth, will know and love each other in heaven.

The Bible indicates we will know each other more fully than we do now! The Apostle Paul declared, "Now I know in part; then, I shall know fully, even as I am fully known" (1 Corinthians 13:12). It's true that our appearance will change, because God will give us new bodies, similar to Jesus' resurrection body. Yet, God made it possible for us to know each other in heaven. Jesus said to the thief on the cross, "Today, thou shalt be with Me in Paradise."

Jesus told his disciples, “I will not drink of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in a new way in my Father’s kingdomwith you”(Matthew 26:29, emphasis mine).

The eleven, who shared the Last Supper with Jesus on earth, will eat and drink with him in heaven. Peter, James, John, and the others will be named and known in heaven as clearly as they were named and known on earth.

King David had a son who died in infancy. When the little boy died, David said, “I’ll go to him”(2 Samuel 12:23).

David knew that he would see his son again in the presence of the Lord, and knowing that he would be reunited with the son he loved brought him comfort in his bereavement.

Even in the beginning, when God created the heavens and the Earth, it says that they ( God the Father, His son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit) made man in their image.

God will give us new bodies, similar to Jesus' resurrection body. Those bodies will never grow old or tired, nor will they ever experience pain, suffering, or death again. As the Bible says, "For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed" (1 Corinthians 15:52). What a glorious promise!

We will still know each other. When Jesus was transformed into His heavenly glory before the eyes of some of His disciples, "His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light" (Matthew 17). And yet His disciples still recognized Him, and so did Moses and Elijah, who came from Heaven to speak with Him.

Thank God for our hope of eternal life -- a hope we have only because Jesus died and rose again, to take away our sins. This is God's promise -- and it can be the hope of every person, as they turn to Christ and trust Him alone for their salvation.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
We can recognize people but I think we wouldn't remember what we did. Our past. Things we remember or where we lived on earth. Everything will come to past
@FreestyleArt We will remember those things, because we will have a review of our lives shown before us, but it won't be like you think. It won't be to condemn us, because when Jesus died on the cross he took all condemnation away from us. AND judgement. It will only be a preview to show us how motives work and how other people feel, when we hurt them and how what we do here, matters. There will be no judgment about it nor condemnation, but we will learn from it, how to love. We'll just see where we could have done better. It will be total love up there and no judgment for those who have died in Christ. Not to worry.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
@LadyGrace I didn't know that about reviews. I'll probably do a little research on the Bible But I usually thought that our Minds will be wiped out once we meet Jesus
@FreestyleArt ReadMatthew 25:14-30. The Bible says that our deeds don't save us, but they determine the extent of God's rewards for us in heaven. This reviewing has absolutely nothing to do with our Salvation so don't get that mixed up.

Jesus said inMatthew 12:36 that we would one day give an account for every idle word. Still...not a judgement as you're thinking. In fact, while you are going through that process, you will feel more love than you've ever felt in your life. And support.
It is amazing to think we will recognise all the Christians we wanted to meet there and even recognise Christians on here!
akindheart · 61-69, F
I hope so

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