What can we learn from the thief on the cross?
At the time of Jesus’ crucifixion, two thieves were crucified beside Him (Luke 23:33–43), and both began their time on the cross by mocking and blaspheming Him, as did many of the spectators. However, one of the thieves responded in faith to the message of salvation, and was taken to paradise that very day. He is the one usually referred to as "the thief on the cross".
It is remarkable, that while in excruciating and mind-numbing torment on the cross, Jesus had the heart, mind, love and will, to not only pray for others, but to receive this man's request to be saved, and forgave his sins. It is also a miracle that one thief, while in agony himself, felt the Spirit of God speaking to his heart to call him to repentance and accepted the forgiveness God was just about to provide, by His death on the cross, John 3:16-17. While so many abandoned the Lord, this man answered the call, and his sins were forgiven, including his blasphemy against the Son of God (Luke 5:31-32, 12:8–10).
That the other thief rejected Jesus. While being tortured on the cross he literally joined his torturers in insulting the Savior. Not only was this man next to the Savior, he heard Him pray, he witnessed the salvation of the other thief, he saw the sky turn black, and he heard the testimony of the Son. But his pride kept him from submitting to the only One who could save him.
What we learn from the saved thief on the cross is this:
While Jesus hung on the cross, He had you and I, on his mind. Even the world. He was not willing that any should miss heaven.
In order to receive forgiveness and eternal life in heaven, there was nothing the thief had to do, in order for Jesus to be willing to save his soul. No amount of pleasing was necessary, no pleading, and certainly no earning God's love was necessary, before God would love and save him. Jesus already loved him and accepted him just as he was, regardless of his sins. Jesus wanted us to know that nothing you confess, could make Him love you less; that He specifically came to find sinners in need of salvation, and rescue them from the condemnation SIN placed on them, and He wants ALL to come to him, just like the thief did, just as you are.
Don't miss Jesus' message to you. There's no getting everything "right" in your life, before Jesus will accept you, receive you, forgive you, or love you. We are all in the same spiritual boat! Sinners in need of a Savior, and no matter the number of our sins and no matter if we, or the world, think our sins are minor or extreme, sin is sin...God does NOT categorize it. Why? Because ALL sin separates us from God.
Satan wants you to think it's TOO LATE, but that's a devil's lie. It is NEVER too late to ask Jesus to forgive us our sins and accept His free gift of salvation (Ephesians 2:8–9; Revelation 22:17). As long as someone has the will to choose Jesus' saving grace over spiritual death and seperation from God, it is never too late to receive the miracle of salvation, by the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised to save all who want to be saved. There's always room for one more at the cross, and He turns no one away! He invites you to receive His unconditional love, forgiveness, and eternal life in heaven, today. He said don't put it off. Our soul is nothing to gamble with. If you come to Him today in prayer, right where you're at, He promises to hear your prayer, receive you with all the love you could ever imagine, and welcome you with open arms, into His family. This is the security He gives all who will trust and believe Him. What Jesus did for the thief on the cross, He will do for you. The very second, the thief asked Jesus to save his soul, Jesus said..."I tell you now, TODAY you shall be with Me in Paradise!" That's a PROMISE! For the thief, for you and I, and for future generations.