sunsetsoareomyofavourite · 26-30, F
I was raised in a non-religious way.
However 3 years ago I started my journey searched for the sense in my life.
At the end I came to the point that I believe in God but just not in a religion.
Take your time and just follow your heart. Follow this what seems right and most logical to you. Think about the question: Why are we here.
But don't worry too much.
This question often 'annoyed' me and made me feel depressed. But now I am fine with everything.
Good luck and if you want to write about this I am always here. You can message me.
However 3 years ago I started my journey searched for the sense in my life.
At the end I came to the point that I believe in God but just not in a religion.
Take your time and just follow your heart. Follow this what seems right and most logical to you. Think about the question: Why are we here.
But don't worry too much.
This question often 'annoyed' me and made me feel depressed. But now I am fine with everything.
Good luck and if you want to write about this I am always here. You can message me.
th3r0n · 41-45, M
Don't turn away, read the Bible often (KJV or Geneva preferably)
God is who he says he is, his words are true and his promises are true, and faith in him has power
For verely I say vnto you, that whosoeuer shall say vnto this mountaine, Be thou taken away, and cast into the sea, and shall not wauer in his heart, but shall beleeue that those things which he saieth, shall come to passe, whatsoeuer he saieth, shall be done to him. Therefore I say vnto you, Whatsoeuer ye desire when ye pray, beleeue that ye shall haue it, and it shalbe done vnto you. But when ye shall stand, and pray, forgiue, if ye haue any thing against any man, that your Father also which is in heauen, may forgiue you your trespasses. For if you will not forgiue, your Father which is in heauen, will not pardon you your trespasses.
Mark 11:23-26 GNV
God is who he says he is, his words are true and his promises are true, and faith in him has power
For verely I say vnto you, that whosoeuer shall say vnto this mountaine, Be thou taken away, and cast into the sea, and shall not wauer in his heart, but shall beleeue that those things which he saieth, shall come to passe, whatsoeuer he saieth, shall be done to him. Therefore I say vnto you, Whatsoeuer ye desire when ye pray, beleeue that ye shall haue it, and it shalbe done vnto you. But when ye shall stand, and pray, forgiue, if ye haue any thing against any man, that your Father also which is in heauen, may forgiue you your trespasses. For if you will not forgiue, your Father which is in heauen, will not pardon you your trespasses.
Mark 11:23-26 GNV
FlauntTheImperfections · 56-60, M
You are at an age where you ask a lot of questions about existence and your place in it. I struggled a lot with it at your age too. Take the time to seek your own answers that suit your heart and your mind. Find your own truth. This is your journey and doesn't come with a set time frame.
I am a Christian. But also, I have no religious affiliation. I found that I believe in God and Christ but not in any of the dogma that was created by man after the fact. I'm ok with that. I'm sure there are others who think I'm wrong and some that would go as far as to say I'm going to burn in hell for not attending church regularly or doing this or that. Those are simply projections of their beliefs onto me. But I can comfortably ignore them. My relationship with God is between He and I.
Good luck with your search for answers.
May harmony find you.
I am a Christian. But also, I have no religious affiliation. I found that I believe in God and Christ but not in any of the dogma that was created by man after the fact. I'm ok with that. I'm sure there are others who think I'm wrong and some that would go as far as to say I'm going to burn in hell for not attending church regularly or doing this or that. Those are simply projections of their beliefs onto me. But I can comfortably ignore them. My relationship with God is between He and I.
Good luck with your search for answers.
May harmony find you.
bigbrady · 22-25, M
Yeah I tried to believe that we came from some higher being but now that I've opened my eyes to what the world really is like I'm like "This isn't the work of any god"

If you have had a personal experience of God, its impossible to doubt him.... I mean, ofcourse the doubts will rise every now and then, but the experiences one has had will serve as an anchor to remind one of God: his existence, his presence, his love.
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I have experienced God in so many ways. I know Him. He is possibly the only thing I am 100 % sure of in this life of mine.

Sometimes, you just KNOW it's God.
sunsetsoareomyofavourite · 26-30, F
@dreamerfrombirth: oh yes I understand
Evened · 51-55, M
I remember a fitting quote from the German playwright Bertolt Brecht. In his "Stories of Mr. Keuner" he wrote:
A man asked Mr. K. whether there is a God. Mr. K. said: “I advise you to consider whether, depending on the answer, your behavior would change. If it would not change, then we can drop the question. If it would change, then I can at least be of help to the extent that I can say, you have already decided: you need a God.”
A man asked Mr. K. whether there is a God. Mr. K. said: “I advise you to consider whether, depending on the answer, your behavior would change. If it would not change, then we can drop the question. If it would change, then I can at least be of help to the extent that I can say, you have already decided: you need a God.”
Ballora · 26-30, F
Me 2
Pfuzylogic · M
How are you aware that you are lost?
Does it feel like you are missing a presence?
Does it feel like you are missing a presence?
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
I grew up in a God fearing household as well, and my faith is stronger than ever before. Because I understood 3 years ago that you do not take on your parents faith, but you make your own. You study, and you understand WHY you believe what you do, and why it is TRUE. You do not only look at the bible, but you also decide to prove evolution hypothesis that contradicts the bible wrong, and hopefully you will manage. You strive to understand how your faith is true, you strive to get a better understanding so that you do not believe in something that is false, and you strive to prove everything that is false wrong. That is how you become secure within your own faith. Questioning.
Go What u think i s right
You're old enough to analyse what you hear.
ItsDanny · M
I believe in science,religion is bullshit I dont have time for