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I Am Christian (roman Catholic)

True Catholics, Germany is a paradigm for what is happening throughout Europe. Newchurch is sinking everywhere. But not to weep. This may be the very mechanism that Almighty God is using to obliterate the anti-Catholic Newchurch off the face of His earth, so that the mustard seed of true traditional Catholicism that has been nurtured worldwide these last fifty years by independent traditional Catholic churches, chapels, and oratories, by traditional Catholic priests and bishops will bloom once again. Like a great forest fire that destroys the rubbish, and in so doing, provides the fertile soil in which life can once again rise heartier than before. As Scripture says: "Magna est veritas, et praevalet" (1 Esdras 4:41/V). from
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Abrienda · 26-30, F
Excellent.While this "pope" has nearly made me a Sedevacantist, however I do feel what is happening in Germany is divine justice. Having produced the two most destructive wars in human history, the Holocaust,and raped and pillaged and murdered in nearly every country in Europe from i866 to 1945,the German people have now inflicted upon themselves what they were pleased to inflict upon their neighbors. The windmills of the Lord may appear to grind slowly but do grind exceedingly fine.
oberpa · 80-89, M
Any man who is an heretic or apostate cannot be a pope. All the "popes" since Pius XII have been one of the other or both. So, you should be a sedevacantist. May God give you the blessing of conversion to the true, traditional Church that Jesus founded upon the rock, Peter. Francis is also a Marxist, BTW.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
No doubt about that. I am sick of his damned apologies and his washing the feet of Moslems (12!) who deny Christ is the Son of God...the man who, after all, chose the first Pope.
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
What is it with you guys and destruction?

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