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In regard to shooting children... Some interesting stats ...

Number of people killed by guns in the U.S., every day

Number of children who die every day from gun violence in the U.S.

School shootings since Sandy Hook, including 27 school shootings so far this year

18 to 21
Peak ages for violent offending with firearms

8 million
Number of AR-15s and its variations in circulation

9 in 10
Number of people who will die after attempting suicide with a gun

Percentage of mass shooters who are men

Percentage of gun owners who favor preventing the "mentally ill" from purchasing guns

Percentage of gun owners who favor background checks at private sales and gun shows

Percentage of gun deaths that are suicides; 43% are murders

Percentage of murders that involved a firearm

Percentage of people who defended themselves with their guns in violent crimes
Top | New | Old
Amount paid to political parties for supporting guns by the NRA and other Gun manufacturers around the world— billions
@Vivaci actually, the nra only received an amount 18.5 million total last year and that number is usually is no more than 25 million a year. By the way, no one in the NRA is committing these shootings.
Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood and Big Pharma took in, from political parties and other donations, a combined total of about $700 MILLION dollars.

That 1% for people who defended themselves with a gun during a violent crime is way off. Between 500,000 to 2,000,000 defensive uses of firearms are reported each year.

That 950 school shootings number is misleading. You gotta look at how they're defining "school shooting" and what actually happened during that event. Most of the time, it's nothing more than someone fired a gun, hitting no one, on school property or someone had a gun on school property. It shouldn't be happening, yes, but don't be mislead by a headline.

There are 400 million guns in this country, legally purchased. If there was a gun problem the way politicians put it, you'd know about it.

None of these shootings, school or otherwise, are being committed by the gun lobby, or anyone who is a responsible gun owner. I'm sorry but no. They're being carried out by people who are either on drugs, legal or illegal, or by people who just wanna have their names be remembered.

Notice that none of the school shootings that have taken place at schools where the elites send their kids to school. They seem to be able to find funding to pay for their kids to go to schools with armed security, but when it comes to even suggesting that we have those same kinds of guards at public schools, they're the first ones to scream NO, ABSOLUTELY NOT, WE CANT EVEN THINK OF PUTTING KIDS THROUGH THAT CONVERSATION AS TO WHY THEY NEED ARMED GUARDS AT SCHOOL. We can't get enough democrats to vote YES for that kind of legislation, because the Republicans are voting for it. So who really doesn't want to protect the every day non elite kids?

Less than 50 people were killed by rifles, any kind of rifle, the last 3 years. More people were killed by hands, feet, and fists than were by rifles. The vast majority of the gun homicides that happen in this country are committed by handguns. The vast majority of those murders are inner city gang on gang violence, but we can't talk about that for some reason 🤷🏻‍♂️.
So what then? More gun laws on top of gun laws? The tons of laws on the books that already exist hasn't made one iota of difference,
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@OggggO Am I wrong?
OggggO · 36-40, M
@MrBrownstone Get back to me when you stop being an inane broken record.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
@OggggO Am I wrong?
Carazaa · F
today Saturday there is another mass shooting at a graduation party and many teens died. Americans don't seem to want to change this sad situation!
@Carazaa Seriously? Saw nothing on that. 😑
Carazaa · F
Here is the story of 3 teens shot today on a graduation party

but just a few hours ago in Tennesse another mass shooting. 2 in one day again!
@Carazaa Thanks! I'll check it. Horrible horrible stuff.
Carazaa · F
It's insanity! Only Americans think this is ok because they worship their freedom to do whatever they like. Now we have kids scared to go to school. They blame it on mental illness which is the craziest thing in the world. We all lose our temper but thank goodness we have no gun when we do. People and guns do not belong together. Most of the killers are under 21 and got a gun a few hours before they killed, because they lost their temper. Parenting is very bad in America, lots of punishment that make kids mad. Being from Europe I am not used to authoritarian parenting. My parents trusted me and my Dad treated me with respect, I had lots of time with grandparents who were so much fun.


here are some good advicefor parents if you have children under 21

Listen to them and praise their ideas. give them choices so they feel powerful and respected.

Respect them, Don't interrupt them or go into their room without knocking

Reward good behaviors,, no need to punish bad behaviors.

Kids have to earn privileges

Have a good relationship with your kids, spend fun time every day.

let them have friends and go to relatives in the summers so they aren't alone watching TV all summer.

Let them have hobbies so they learn skills and have friends who aren't bored and partying all the time, but are busy
walabby · M
I Googled looking for instances of ordinary armed citizens preventing mass shootings (in the USA) and found a commentary listing ten examples. Undoubtedly there would be more than this. Then I looked for the number of unintentional shootings. More than 27,000 in 2019 with almost 500 deaths. The risk/reward ratio of having an armed public doesn't seem to be worth it...
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@walabby thanks for the research...i think it's one of those oft quoted benefits that doesn't stand up to analysis
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@ozgirl512 it doesn't get press. Google is no good.
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
I can't tell the Americans anything right now, I really want to avoid getting Cassandra syndrome again.
It's when you think you have to be loud, dramatic and repeat yourself to get anything across- and probably people won't believe you anyway
MommyLucy · 36-40, F
Sadly many americans LOVE the second ammendment so much and personally I would NEVER own a gun but I try my hardest to be really nice not to offend those who love guns but secretly I completely agree our gun laws are crazy but please don't tell some people I know I said that! 🙄🙄🙄
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
@MommyLucy talk about tyranny of the minority.
MommyLucy · 36-40, F
@Changeisgonnacome I wish I had the courage to speak up cause our gun laws are awful! 😭😭😭 Unfortunately my grandparents who are still alive love the 2nd amendment and I am very close to them and I know several 2nd amendment lovers so I say nothing not to offend them! 🙄🙄🙄 If they knew what I really think of guns they would be mad! 😘😘😘
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
@MommyLucy my Dad has a lot of guns. Three thousand miles is a good buffer zone.
zerofuks2give · 41-45, M
That last statistic, less than 1%, still equates to over 55,000 uses per year for defensive purposes. And that’s the low end of the estimate. Just wanted to put that into perspective.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Changeisgonnacome so, no armed cops, no armed citizens...what is your projected death rate?
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
Guns even the playing field for women and the elderly against stronger or multiple attackers.
Is this true in practice? Or just something that would be true under perfect conditions of preparedness and training?
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
@ninalanyon lies are as good as a nod or a wink.
Too too sad
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
The local news reported today we're averaging 10 mass shooting a week this year. Children, grownups, all colors, all religions. :(
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
And to think Ted Cruz called the USA the safest country in the world after the Uvalde school massacre ☹️
@Dlrannie Another dumbfuck trump arse licker ☹😘😘😘
@Dlrannie More people die from gunshots in the US than some countries at War but Ted has to make up some verbal diarrhea about doors rather than admit he takes money from gun lobbyists. The money is more important than the 10 year old children.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Lets do that for automobile use
iamelijah · 26-30, M
Too much guns. Who would dare to defend themselves if they up against killing machine?

If that is a knife, still a chance to defend. But guns?

If people still comparing knife and guns... Let see which statistics is the highest.
iamelijah · 26-30, M
@MasterLee Are you sure? It depends on the wound and the person's survival rate. Plus, how frequent stabbing cases ever recorded? Even highest at certain country..
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@iamelijah yes I am completely sure.

However, if you get run over with an automobile the survival rate is much less.

Malpractice in surgery is a whole other world of statistics.

Axes tend to be bad as well.

Disease, cancer, heart attacks, wow.

There are lies and there are lies but no one can lie better than with statistics.
iamelijah · 26-30, M
@MasterLee Okay then.
4500 Veterans take their own life with a gun every year.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
[image/video deleted]
jimjim1969 · M
This country is sick
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@jimjim1969 we will fix it soon
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
And yet the population goes up every year.
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
@MrBrownstone That’s beautiful.
Thanks. Really pathetic isn't it?
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@Grateful4you it is....
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
@SW-User yes please avoid it
Carazaa · F
@SW-User It has some problems, that's for sure. It is a "melting pot" though but people have to work together solving these problems. Increasing the age to 25 and outlawing assault weapons and doing a background check will help.
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Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
So, more guns, then?
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@Fukfacewillie no doubt that will be the answer some recommend
midschtch · F
Some insight on killing children, hurt or kill them in that way, 2 choices Life in Prison or Death. Period
Oh well never mind hopefully one day thoughts and prayers might work
This all adds up to - Crazy Yankees

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