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Ask me any chemistry related questions you have

Hey! I am the guy in this relationship and I’ve decide to open a thread when people can ask any chemistry related questions they have. I might not answer every question and I will most definitely, block or ignore if your intentions are to cause harm to others directly or indirectly.

The goal here is to help people get a better understanding of nature and how molecules work.

Look forward to reading your questions!
Shadyglow · F
How dare the eggheads of the eighties to the oh-ohs...refer to mental illness as "chemical imbalance"?

I mean there seemed to be an issue with re-uptake of anxiety producing impulses ...in SZ and then drugs were developed to prevent this re-uptake....

so some people described this as some kind of "correction" in their body chemistry...

but to extrapolate from there to describing ALL MENTAL DISTRESS as the result of "chemical imbalances" was gibberish to just about everyone and the rest is history, there's total contempt for patients now and no way to ever find skilled caring therapists for ordinary but grievous suffering.


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