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Covid payments make lazy people

Why work when they can stay home and get paid to sit. People are going to be addicted to government cheques in the mail....lots already are. I hired one guy to drive truck from the fields to the yard...$25/hr, paid for his hotel, dinner provided...quit after the first day. Others insisting on cash under the table because they're getting government money...when I said no can do, they walked away. Now with this election (Canada) coming up and all these politicians promising free shit....it's gonna get worse
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plungesponge · 41-45, M
Personally this is working out rather well, while all the lazy people decide to just chill at home, rare job opportunities are opening up for peeps that have decided to keep working.
Mongoheadmonster · 46-50, M
@plungesponge here in Canada, we have a federal election coming up....you should here the promises for free this and subsidized that....and their plan to pay for it is to "tax the wealthy more" and to bring in stuff like an "inheritance tax"....it's unreal
IronHamster · 56-60, M
@Mongoheadmonster Socialists only spend until they run out of other people's money. Yeah. Unreal.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@plungesponge hmmm that’s true
Punches · 46-50, F
Free stuff sounds good but if people do not go to work, that means products and services are not possible.

I think most of us feel expendable at our jobs but we all play a role.

Like what if the electric company or Internet company decided it didn't want to work?
Sheer · F
It sure does interrupt the habit of getting up and going to work every morning. I don't think it's something which comes naturally to people, we get accustomed to the life-style, starting early in life by going to school. When we don't do it for a while, it gets harder getting back into it.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Welcome to the reality of European post-soviet countries. It's not $25/hr here though so I don't even blame some...Then you see all the BS tax payers' money go to in the news and your motivation drops below zero. It doesn't surprise me when people want cash under the table.
Mongoheadmonster · 46-50, M
@CrazyMusicLover too risky for employers
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@Mongoheadmonster I understand that too. My former employer never seemed to have a problem with that. It's beyond me how they can get away with it for so long despite having visits from labor inspectorate. Nothing suspicious about paying all employees minimum wage. Nothing at all.
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
That’s definitely a con. One of the pros is that it kept the economy ticking along.
Mongoheadmonster · 46-50, M
@ButterRobot how so?....the labor force has been reduced to nearly zero...and the national debt is astronomical. Further down there's a thread talking about how restaurants gotta close early or only serve 1/2 the tables because of no staff...not good
ButterRobot · 51-55, M
@Mongoheadmonster well, here (aus) the cash kept business confidence level up. The economy actually grew. Might have been different there.
Mona86 · C
How much do they get paid?
Mongoheadmonster · 46-50, M
@Mona86 they were getting $500/wk....not sure what it is now
Pull yourself up by your bootstraps and get over what other people do.
Mongoheadmonster · 46-50, M
@canusernamebemyusername then they shouldn't complain when foreigners get jobs
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Mongoheadmonster agree with this. There’s a reason we need to hire people from other countries because people here in Canada are not willing to do the work.

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