The pollyanna group of enablers are out in full force siding with Amber Heard I see.
Look I feel terrible for people who have borderline personality disorder who don't do this, certainly there can be people who are "fake nice" and essentially horrible too. But at the same time people have to understand the dynamics of a person who has an untreated disorder and they "switch" on you (you the victim) and the psychology behind that in order to understand this situation from Depp's perspective. Sorry but it is what it is. I hate that it's the reality of things but that's why I'm glad she lost. It's too bad she didn't work on herself, get help and that things had to end that way but she essentially did it to herself.
Just to let this sink in a little, it's estimated that 50% of the prison population has BP (because of bad childhoods) I mean come on. Pollyanna enablers piss me off though.
Just to let this sink in a little, it's estimated that 50% of the prison population has BP (because of bad childhoods) I mean come on. Pollyanna enablers piss me off though.