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The pollyanna group of enablers are out in full force siding with Amber Heard I see.

Look I feel terrible for people who have borderline personality disorder who don't do this, certainly there can be people who are "fake nice" and essentially horrible too. But at the same time people have to understand the dynamics of a person who has an untreated disorder and they "switch" on you (you the victim) and the psychology behind that in order to understand this situation from Depp's perspective. Sorry but it is what it is. I hate that it's the reality of things but that's why I'm glad she lost. It's too bad she didn't work on herself, get help and that things had to end that way but she essentially did it to herself.

Just to let this sink in a little, it's estimated that 50% of the prison population has BP (because of bad childhoods) I mean come on. Pollyanna enablers piss me off though.

Doomflower · 36-40, M
BPD is horrific. It's like having no skin and living in a world of salt and lemon juice. I have traits but I act IN more than OUT. I've learned to regulate my emotions enough my responses aren't catastrophic. So I empathize with anyone who has BPD.

However, BPD is not an excuse for shitty behavior.
The vast public sentiment for Depp was driven by the TikTok algorithm. Ben Shapiro was also a big Depp fan. Heard never had a chance. There’s no way to know the truth. This trial was manipulated and if you don’t think they won’t try it again, you’re very naive.

Watch when China invades Taiwan and TikTok is suddenly full of “war isn’t worth it” videos.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@basilfawlty89 Oh yeah okay I knew it was something like that, they generally don't do it on purpose. I remember hearing that from Dr. Ramani, something similar but it's so complicated that I can't frame it like that. Thanks ❤️
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
The vast public sentiment for Depp was driven by the TikTok algorithm. Ben Shapiro was also a big Depp fan. Heard never had a chance.

It's a very worthwhile comment but ultimately I disagree.

The reasons why TikTok and Youtube were so savage on Heard are largely because there was so much material to work with. Depp's team successfully discredited Heard's testimony in full public view. Whereas Depp's evidence could mostly be corroborated, Heard's relied on herself alone. Unlike the British trial, the judge allowed her to be cross-examined and several of her positions were discredited. This makes it hard for a jury to believe any of it.

The jury probably did have access to social media, but they also saw every minute of the trial.

There is a credible argument that Depp has more fans and that this helped him.. He's a popular guy and an indie bro so this might have influenced social media. However, none of that protected Depp from being dropped from movies when he was first accused. None of that protected Kevin Spacey or numerous other stars, each more popular and powerful than the women accusing them. I personally thought that Depp was probably guilty at the beginning of this trial.

As for Ben Shapiro being a fan? I despise him and I also support MeToo. The Daily Caller support hardly makes Depp guilty though. I want to agree with the feminists defending Heard against the Conservatives supporting Depp. I just can't though because of the simple reason that I think Heard was lying.
@Burnley123 My main beef is that Heard's career is over. No studio will sign her as they would probably get death threats. Heard is an actual victim of cancel culture, with a good chance of having to open a pressure washing business like Tonya Harding if she wants to survive. Depp's career on the other hand will continue unabated.

In retrospect, the jury should have been sequestered. It's possible they would have reached the same verdict but now we'll never know how much they were influenced by the zeitgeist.
Doomflower · 36-40, M
Oh and to clarify something: I have not watched one second of the goings on and the ONLY thing I know about the situation is that Amber was apparently using BPD as an excuse for some fucked up behaviors and my peeps with BPD all had a fit because she literally made an already super stigmatized diagnosis even worse.
@Doomflower And Depp's shitty behavior was due to alcohol abuse. It's not like he was a saint.

I'm not saying the verdict was wrong, only that we'll never know due to how the jury was influenced.
Doomflower · 36-40, M
@LeopoldBloom everyone has an excuse and actors are shit role models

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