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The shocking announcement of Our Lady. "A great punishment will fall upon the world. His time is short."

Praised be God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Pedro Regis, Anguera, Brazil, Our Lady's message to all humanity.
We invite you to listen to the whole, this very important message for us.
Dear children, I am the Queen of Peace. I am the Mother and Queen of Brazil. Here, in this nation, as well as in all the nations of the world, I want to offer my Immaculate Heart. I ask each of you to give yourselves to me without reserve, without fear, without bitterness, because I am your mother and I want to help you. I speak to you to be your light. Everything and everyone can still be saved. That is why I am speaking to you.


Hear me. I want the love, peace and understanding of God to permeate the hearts of all of you who listen to me. I repeat: Hear me. In this way, you will always have My special protection and you will receive the greatest reward from My Divine Son. I do not come from heaven to scare you, but to tell you that Almighty God very humbly desires your conversion.

Time is passing, and a great chastisement is approaching. If your conversion does not take place, a great chastisement will befall the world. Many people no longer believe in My Son's Gospel or simply consider it a legend. Pray, pray, pray. Everything depends on you. Your conversion should take place now. Your time is short. So convert, convert, convert. I am your mother and I know what awaits you. Don't stand with your arms folded. Punishment is near. convert. I repeat, turn around. Heaven wants your conversion.

The world needs peace, but peace will come only when you convert. The fate of the world lies in your hands. Don't let the things of the world take you away from Jesus. Be obedient. Don't back off. I still have many noble things to reveal. Be careful. Don't leave for tomorrow what you have to do today. Fill yourselves with hope, because I am the Mother of Grace and Mercy. I am by your side even though you cannot see me. Open your hearts and do not let the darkness of doubt keep you from experiencing the Grace of God.

I am your Mother and I suffer because of your suffering. Do not stray from prayer. Humanity is heading towards great and painful suffering. In faith you will find the strength to follow your path of faith. Fill yourselves with hope and do not deviate from the path which I have shown you. God wants to save you, but you cannot remain in sin. Free yourself completely from everything that separates you from the Lord. Humanity is sick and needs healing. Be men and women of prayer. Accept my appeals, because I want to lead you to the One who is your only Way, Truth and Life.

Open your hearts and allow the grace of the Lord to transform you. I came down from Heaven to lead you to Heaven. I am calling you to be like my Son Jesus in everything. You are not alone. My Lord is close to you. When you feel the weight of the trials, call upon Jesus. Invite Jesus to be with you. Confide in Him your desires and He will take care of you. Cherish moments of prayer in the family. Do not allow the clouds of evil to penetrate your homes. Let the light of the Lord take its place in your homes. God wants to save you.

Listen to His voice and be faithful to His call. Don't be discouraged. Pray a lot before the cross. My children, humanity is tainted by sin and needs healing. A painful event will take place in Europe. Death will come in different countries and my poor children will weep and lament. I suffer because of what awaits you. Those who listen to the Voice of the Lord will not fail. Seek strength in the words of my Son Jesus and in the Eucharist. Whenever you fall, call upon Jesus and seek Him in the Sacrament of Confession. When people are reconciled with God, humanity will be spiritually healed very quickly.

Have confidence, faith and hope. Nothing is lost. Be defenders of the truth and imitate my Son Jesus in everything. I do not want to pressure you, but take seriously the words of my appeals. I suffer because of what awaits you. Those who are with Me and at the side of My Son will not suffer. I am your Good Mother and Jesus is your Great Friend. Do not be afraid of anything before Him, but surrender your hearts to Him. From the bottom of your heart, entrust your sufferings to Him.

And in this way you will be strengthened by prayer, with a free heart in peace and without fear. I invite you to participate in the Holy Mass daily. I want every Holy Mass to become an experience of God for you. I want to say to everyone: open your hearts to the Holy Spirit, so that He can lead you on the path to holiness. I also invite you to confession, even if you confessed a few days ago.

At every Holy Mass after Holy Communion, say these words to Jesus: Jesus, you are our god, our father and our only great friend. Jesus, you are our hope, our consolation and our salvation. Jesus, we love you. Jesus, we trust you. Dear children, it may seem strange to you to pray so much, but I tell you that without prayer you will not be able to fulfill your duties as Christians.

Pray without haste, without looking at your watch for fear of not meeting your obligations in time. Let the Holy Spirit guide you and you will see that you can do it. Otherwise, you won't accomplish anything. Don't stop, don't stop praying. There are many Christians who are no longer faithful because they do not pray. Many Christians no longer believe or have insufficient faith due to lack of prayer.

Start praying at least one Rosary every day. Thanks to this, you will grow in spiritual life, and I will be very happy. I am your Mother and I want to help you. Everything you do for Me and for My Son on this earth, I promise you that you will receive a great reward. Don't stop, don't stop, keep on praying.
Pray that all My Plans may come true. Thank you for allowing Me to gather you here once again. I bless you in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit - Amen - stay in peace.
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