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I am here to pick a fight with a catholic, any takers?

I want one of you devote and sincere type of catholics, step forward... I have a bone to pick with you (and it's knotty)
MissBrittany · F Best Comment
Devote? What drugs are you on?
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
@MissBrittany Now that I got your attention though, there IS something I would like to say... ahem...

Let the Catholic view deny the will of nature itself, the beast within man, had it been so bloodily obvious, your love.
Abandon your faith, humans. Bow down to your true saviour, the dog. Adore us, indulge us, appease us, our kingdom cum (within you) 🐺 woof woof woof
You are mentally delusional @MougyWolf
MougyWolf · 36-40, M
@MissBrittany this is literally what my blood did when I spilled it in ritual one night
[image/video - please log in to see this content]

so am I though?

PS. It might be worth noticing that this is indeed a photo of my own blood, after involvement with both beastial sex, as well as chemicals LSD and amphetamine (at the time of incident)


naw, I ain't delusional. A wee bit mad sometimes? .. probably, goes with the territory 😏

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Slivereyes · F
Catholics are stupid. I'm not a Catholic.
Better to be stupid, then not be a Catholic.@Slivereyes

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