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I Am a Traditional Catholic

The following text by Leo XIII quite soundly denounces every brand of socialist and their aim.

Pope Leo XIII

You understand, venerable brethren, that we speak of that sect of men who, under various and almost barbarous names, are called socialists, communists, or nihilists, and who, spread over all the world and bound together by the closest ties in a wicked confederacy, no longer seek the shelter of secret meetings, but, openly and boldly marching forth in the light of day, strive to bring to a head what they have long been planning - the overthrow of all civil society whatsoever.

Leo XIII, Encyclical Quod apostolici muneris, of April 20, 1884
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oberpa · 80-89, M
It is not a choice between no government and socialism. Everyone is not a socialist, and to say so is an extreme stretch of the imagination. when a society works towards self sufficiency, it will logically take care of those who are unable to take care of themselves, but strive to be the best that they can be. All people are not equal, but should be able to rise to a level where they can take care of themselves, and not be jealous of their neighbor who might be doing better than they are.
oberpa · 80-89, M
If you read history correctly, you will find that socialism always undermines society by stealing from those who work and giving it to those who would rather live on the dole. Look at Italy, Russia, Germany for truly terrible results. All socialist societies fail sooner or later.
I always find it hard to remember that the catholic church are the shining beacon of morality and good conduct to the whole world
oberpa · 80-89, M
OK, GM is a business. The federal government has the responsibility to protect the country from all enemies. Part of our constitution. Just because it is funded by the government does not make it socialist by any stretch of the imagination. Anyone who could fund and run a private army could do anything he wanted including toppling the legitimate government.
On the other hand, every country in history has been socialist to some extent, for example, the US military is a socialist institution since it is publicly funded. Socialism also addresses the responsibility society has toward the poor and disadvantaged, which is why Pope Francis supports it.
oberpa · 80-89, M
You need to explain how the military is socialist. Going by what you said, every organization is socialist. The military is highly hierarchical with top down leadership. Ask any private how much he has to say about anything.
I think he prefers Pope Stephen 7 who put the corpse of his predecessor on trial.
So you think we shouldn't have any government at all? Because the complete absence of socialism is anarchy.

The fact is that everyone is a socialist; we only disagree on which functions should be socialized.
How is the US military funded? Not be private contributions. I know it's a source of cognitive dissonance for you, where you have to say that all socialist institutions are bad, but the socialist military is good.
The military is socialist because it is funded by public taxation and not private contributions. The hierarchy is only how it is organized.
General Motors on the other hand is not socialist because it is privately funded.
Funded by the government is the definition of socialism. Your irrational fear of the word doesn't change its meaning.

By the way, Jesus was a socialist. "Render unto Caesar" means "pay your taxes." You're probably unable to understand that, too, but there it is. You hate socialism yet worship a socialist.
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
Any rhetoric from the Roman Catholic Church is to be viewed with extreme prejudice.
Given their own behaviour over the last thousand years!
The words pot, kettle and black spring to mind!!
But for any leading religious leader to select ANY section of society and call it wicked takes some explaining!
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
So I take it you are not a fan of pope Francis who is, by all measures available, a socialist.
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