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Important news regarding back pay for VA disability payments

This applies primarily to Vietnam era veterans who signed secrecy oaths while on covert missions. I have no idea how many are still out there, but this could amount to quite a lot of TAX FREE COMPENSATION if you qualify.

Note: It appears this is still being litigated to some extent. If you believe that you might be affected, contact the Senator’s Office. He is a powerful advocate for disabled veterans.


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Never heard of anything along these lines. I'm a former Vietnam Combat Infantryman, 100% P&T, attend weekly group meetings at a local Vet Center and keep abreast of new developments going through the VA channels. I have to check this out although my YOU TUBE go to guy is Combat Craig.
@KentuckyWildcats This is just re-submitting the LOAN ACT into their subcommittee at this point. It’s a long ways to implementation—if ever. But if it gets enacted it could be a windfall for those vets. I suspect many (? Most?) aren’t even aware of this having happened to them.

I’m glad a lot of things have changed for the better for service men and women since the VN days.

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