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There used to be a TGI Fridays on Kandahar Air Field in Afghanistan but it was entirely staffed by filipinos and they didn't serve any alcohol.
They also had a trailer like this for Pizza Hut.
I remember the boardwalk area so well because I used to hide out there to avoid doing work when I came back from vacation or was about to leave on vacation.
I remember so clearly once I had to hide in an MRAP all day playing on my tablet.
I don't mind to work and I did plenty of it but the pace of that work was intense and in my view it wasn't as essential as the work I did when I went REALLY out there into the middle of nowhere where I was running pretty much the only repair facility for miles.
They also had a trailer like this for Pizza Hut.
I remember the boardwalk area so well because I used to hide out there to avoid doing work when I came back from vacation or was about to leave on vacation.
I remember so clearly once I had to hide in an MRAP all day playing on my tablet.
I don't mind to work and I did plenty of it but the pace of that work was intense and in my view it wasn't as essential as the work I did when I went REALLY out there into the middle of nowhere where I was running pretty much the only repair facility for miles.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
The nicesties of the camps these days can be overwhelming. For those of us who operate in the field however far ahead of mainline unit rarely see these luxuries
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Yo quiero taco bell? 🙃🤣