SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
Since we been there and done that... and Trump... I’d bet on us doing it again.
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Definitely agree!!!@SimplyTracie
scottamadore2 · M
@Chrisy1 yes Israel is one nation but you know pakistan has become a house of terrorism ... their own govt is unable to stop them
so having nuclear arsenal with such a problematic country is no less den dangerous
so having nuclear arsenal with such a problematic country is no less den dangerous
scottamadore2 · M
@SimplyTracie I know America is the only country that has used it but it was back den in that era it was the only country that had such technology now things have changed and America is still one strong democracy unlike Pakistan
luv2fly352 · 70-79, M
It's a moot point which can be likened to two men standing in a basement filled with gas;one has 3 matches,the other has 4,now who wants to be first?
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
Yes, they will be used. But unlikely that it will be any time soon, so it's pointless to project into the future. In all likelyhood, we'll have to wait for a complete MAD breakdown.
Thelonewolf1993 · 31-35, M
A Nuclear weapon has been used before but as far as if it happens again Idk to many countries have nukes now there will be no winners in future wars just total annihilation
lorne13 · 61-69, M
Trump's probably planning to nuke Venezuala