Honestly I had to mess up alot in order to know what I am doing as an engineer
Once I remember I was designing this frame for a trailer and I was sitting there playing with the FEA software and I accidentally all on my own discovered that the best way to reduce stress concentrations in a structure while reducing weight was to make circles in everything.
I know that seems super obvious but I was literally pouring over my computer for weeks before I started going that direction. Just imagine that I graduated in the top 10% of my class and this is what I was up to at my first job.
Also I remember several times I was designing mounts for vehicle equipment and I had to do these FEA reports. Nobody really asked me why I stated such and such would fall apart under impact. I just pointed to the software simulation I made. I honestly don't even know to this day how accurate that was because I couldn't remember all the crap I learned in school in order to prove it.
But yea it still went to production anyways. lol
I have been getting better and better ever since though. That was about 6 years ago. Now if you gave me those tasks I would completely dominate them.
But I had to cost alot of companies ALOT of money (not including my salary) to absorb my mistakes before I learned how to do better.
I know that seems super obvious but I was literally pouring over my computer for weeks before I started going that direction. Just imagine that I graduated in the top 10% of my class and this is what I was up to at my first job.
Also I remember several times I was designing mounts for vehicle equipment and I had to do these FEA reports. Nobody really asked me why I stated such and such would fall apart under impact. I just pointed to the software simulation I made. I honestly don't even know to this day how accurate that was because I couldn't remember all the crap I learned in school in order to prove it.
But yea it still went to production anyways. lol
I have been getting better and better ever since though. That was about 6 years ago. Now if you gave me those tasks I would completely dominate them.
But I had to cost alot of companies ALOT of money (not including my salary) to absorb my mistakes before I learned how to do better.