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I'm tired of being told what to do and my girlfriend nagging me all the time

So recently I got a job at McDonald's and I hate being bossed around. I do one thing and then I'm expected to do something else right afterwards. I make $13 an hour so I feel like I am not being paid enough to deal with rude customers and managers with attitude. Ideally i would like to have a job where I do the least amount of work and make a lot of money. McDonald's does not pay me enough to deal with degenerates who come to the drive thru high off every drug possible and order everything off the menu it makes me very angry and I wish most of these people would learn to cook their own food at home instead of eating out everyday like a bunch of fat degenerate scumbags. My girlfriend is always complaining about how I never do anything nice for her which isn't true. I make her ramen noodles at home and I like to remind her that money doesn't fall from the sky and like ain't easy for me I ride the bus to work and can't afford to buy a car because I have loads of credit card debt. She isn't helpful at all she just complains about everything and last night she had her period and wanted me to walk to the store and buy her tampons like who does she think she is ? I'm not her maid !!

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