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So Far.....So Good!

Day's gone well...

Drove in, parked the car in my own new little parking place. Got in the office and was thrusted a cup of tea...

Now, this is novel; I'm usually the tea gal for the team.

I'm given a card and some flowers as a 'Congrats' type of thing. Again, very sweet. As we chatted a little, with me telling the team my little manifesto - get the work done, make it all light and upbeat, be there for each other etc - and then the locum came in.

Seems like a nice guy. Kinda cute. I shook his hand and addressed the potential 'white elephant' in the room.

So, I casually stated that I was trans and that we're all fine with this. Ain't no big deal...so, please don't make it one....that kinda thing.

All cool. Good.

So, work begins and all is good. I have to do a couple of meetings, informally face-to-face, and then some teams-style meetings, few phone calls and many (sorry...MANY!) emails.

I make the teas and coffee's for us all, brunch-time, and have a little word with everyone, both one-on-one and together to make everyone feel included.

What I'd normally do.

Lunch as per, and then delegating people to tasks in the afternoon. All went smoothly.

Home time, and time to make sure everything is secure and put away. I'm the last one out.


Head home to getting myself a big ass glass of White Wine..

Just what I needed, sweetie!


PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Sounds like a good day...I knew you would be just fine!
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
@PTCdresser57 Thanks, sweetie....
GeniUs · 56-60, M
So, I casually stated that I was trans and that we're all fine with this. Ain't no big deal...so, please don't make it one....that kinda thing.
Some body already has...
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
@GeniUs Sarcasm will get you nowhere, sweetie....now be a good boy and run along.....

GeniUs · 56-60, M
@CassandraSissy no sarcasm at all just advice to keep you from getting in trouble with HR. I'm heterosexual -there you see, it just sounds weird when declaring it for no good reason.
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
@GeniUs I'm with ya in terms of sexuality, sweetie, but anything regarding physicality - disability or, in the case of being transitioning, being mistaken for a 'guy in a frock' or a drag queen - I'd rather make sure people know of, in terms of myself. For others? Up to them to disclose what they wish. Me, I'm upfront. Not ego talking, just not giving an inaccurate account of myself.

Lilnonames · F
Good im glad for you. U can do it easily👍
CassandraSissy · 26-30, T
@Lilnonames Thanks, sweetie xx

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