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It isn't because Brittney Griner is black that her life doesn't 'matter'. No, It's because she went out of her way to disrespect the American anthem

Now that she got detained in a Russian prison (for smuggling weed into Russia) , I'd like to remind you all... that her life DOESN'T matter, because she's an un-American piece of shit! that's why 😂 🤏 Rot in there, bitch! No one is coming to save you.
Belladonna · 41-45, F Best Comment
I know you just say shit like this to rile people up, but anyway, I disagree with you.
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Belladonna · 41-45, F
@MougyWolf I think it's sad.
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You should be delighted that they are going to trade arms dealer Victor Bout for her. Look him up - you'd love him.
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