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May true Dharma continue

May true Dharma continue
No blame. Be kind. Love everything.

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In every particular is the universal.

Quite often known, seen, recognised.

Thomas Merton met the zen man D T Suzuki only a couple of times but said of him:-

I saw Dr. Suzuki only in two brief visits and I did not feel I ought to waste time exploring abstract, doctrinal explanations of his tradition. But I did feel that I was speaking to someone who, in a tradition completely different from my own, had matured, had become complete and found his way. One cannot understand Buddhism until one meets it in this existential manner, in a person in whom it is alive. Then there is no longer a problem of understanding doctrines which cannot help being a bit exotic for a Westerner, but only a question of appreciating a value which is self-evident. I am sure that no alert and intelligent Westerner ever met Dr. Suzuki without something of the same experience.

The "word becomes flesh". Those who will only recognise one event, one person, miss the whole point. Blind leaders of the blind.
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@Max312 Dharma simply means Truth. The word does not define it. So, basically, there is nothing to be "untrue".
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@Max312 OK, keep repeating yourself.


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