I Listen To The Bee GeesIDK maybe um the same people who creamate jews have your opinion. Dont talk to me again.
I Wish My Mother Was Alive to Share Mothers Day Withhas two twelve inch clits extending from his body like knives. if youd like to fax me press the star key
I Love A Lazy Sunday MorningHappy sunday to god for the angels sing fairies dance and children rejoice in everything you do<3
I Mirror Mirror Where Am II see my room with picctures of them all everywhere. Each with something written for them and a prayer and plan for their life. I see torn out sonnets and thoughts that no one sees. No one gets to come in again. Its mental anguish that this is you.... See More »
I Love Christmas and Christmas ShoppingIm buying a vintage italian mirror and ordiments from the 20s and thirties... A nice christmas for me my mom and sister Dottie<3 (1)
I Prefer Intellect to Good LooksI have short red and orange hair with bangs. Im usually in my pajamas. I try hard to not caught up in the world around me. I trip about once a month but am stopping and have stopped for about five months. I live for christmas. I love making a... See More » (1)
I Love My SiblingsMy sibling isnt my actual sibling. Alot of people say this is what makes her mean to her mother. But now shes taking the pride shes something else... really changing for the bettter :D
I Want A Lover Who Loves As Intensely As I DoMy dearest, I often wonder how you are . All the beautiful angels I find myself missing in the sky. Love with every peice of me. I fight the way I want to see it but you must know. Its skin my head and do very mean things to me. So I often run for... See More »
I Love Romance, Love Being In Love, Want To Fall In Love AgainI cant walk out my door without the feeling of passing out on the sidewalk. Im in a house where apparently the crew is not at. All of a sudden in the moment. And Im being convinced that is true . And what i mean by that is that im not worth its time... See More » (1)
I Like to Lie Outside and Watch the Stars Your would not like my son yes in deed my sun her stars. you would not like my glow worm hes too cute for you. and hes too cute for the world because of his mommy ... spock. :] (1)
I Love ChicagoSometimes all you need is a humid day with no air conditioning so the air condenses in your apartment with soda and a nice bowl of weed with your choice of alchohol. Working out is always fun but nothing beats a nice day at work with snacks and a... See More » (1)
I Love Hello Kittyhello beautiful black and pink that i dont care about anymore because of someone... Gee id be reallllly heartbroken if i met that person and it was true... (1)
I Have Children and Step ChildrenWhat if a rainbow had symbolic meaning for a child. Gum drops meant something adults are constantly chasing and trying to remember in every way possible. Or if santa was real and they always ruin it for him so he has to listen and leave it to the... See More »
I Think Eyes Are BeautifulHopeless should stay so in hopes that its the truth when i know it is. that you dont deserve her. YOU. you dont deserve peace.
I Want to Say Hello HelloI just got shown a video of my mother getting experimented on and tortured by nazis because of her and her and her. .......... as a little girl.
I Loved You Then, I Love You Now And I Will Love You AlwaysI hope all is well I wish this world didnt exist But ill tell you one thing. shell silence everyone who mattered.
I Loved You Then, I Love You Now And I Will Love You AlwaysI know someone who felt so bad you where a boy and not a girl that they cut all there hair off because they know it makes you feel alone :] I know the long hair doesnt cover it and i know you think being blonde makes you a girl still i hope it cures... See More »