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I Got My Parakeets To Try Apple This Morning…Wanted Them To Eat Fruit But They Had Refused Before…

I thought since they like to eat green foods such as greens and celery that they might be interested in green Granny Smith apples. I showed them one yesterday and told them it was green like Romaine & turnip greens and it tastes good. But I didn’t give it to them right away. Kept holding it up and showing them. This morning I cut slices with the peel still on and showed them again & put the slices in the bars of their cages. Of course they tried to eat the green peel first but then tasted the fruit. Don’t know how much they’ll eat but at least they are trying it.
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meggie · F
Are you parakeets ringed neck ones like this
meggie · F
@cherokeepatti the ones I sent you the picture of are not native here. Some escaped from a zoo and now we gave 1000s here. They steal lots of our fruit off the trees.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@meggie That sounds about like Quaker parakeets. People were getting them for pets and some of them got loose. They are heavy breeders and make nests in places that cause problems such as on power poles. I haven’t heard anything about them for almost a decade. I think some severe cold spells might have reduced their population. I have never seen one in the wild. I have seen a few little parakeets like I have that escaped. They will group up with sparrows but probably don’t live that long in the winter. One time I caught a yellow one at work with my hands after a coworker told me about it. Brought it home and it lived a few months.
meggie · F
@cherokeepatti these are called rose-ringed parakeets. They seem to thrive here. Good of you to give the little parakeet a chance.
ShenaniganFoodie · 36-40, M
They also like beer

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