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Injured Bald Eagle Recovering 🦅


A bald eagle, injured and alone near the Chesapeake Bay, earned an A+ for the staff at Washington College after they made a daring rescue along the rocky banks of the Chester River on Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

Two weeks ago, David Kramer noticed a post on Facebook asking if anyone could help with an eagle who seemed to have an injured wing and foot and was hobbling around on a dock over the river.

Kramer, who is the Director of the College’s Center for Environment, where students are provided with a living laboratory for their studies of wetlands, farmlands, and forest. He also happens to be an experienced avian rescuer.

He quickly grabbed two other department staffers, along with a net and blanket, and hopped in a truck to locate the bird, which was not predisposed to give-up easily.

After approaching the raptor, it tried to fly across the river and crashed into the water, so they drove across the bridge and managed to gain access to a backyard where the eagle had landed on the opposite shore.

Kramer approached the bird swiftly and a staffer’s video shows how he secured the animal’s feet before lifting him up and bringing him ashore.
David Kramer rescues bald eagle in Chester River Maryland – Washington College

Emma Cease helped to gently tuck the broken wing inside the padded blanket as they wrapped the eagle for the trip back to the River and Field Campus—during which it quietly sat in her lap.

Kramer, who has years of experience rescuing, researching, and working with bald eagles and other birds, is a listed rescuer with Tristate Bird Rescue, where the eagle became a patient, and is likely rehabbing from surgery today.
ShadowWorker · 61-69, F
It's a youngster..still a mix of black and white feathers.
There's a raptor rehab center not far from where I live. Been meaning to make a visit.
PhoenixPhail · M
@robingoodfellow When you drop in, please say hello to my friend, Harold, for me.

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