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My identic twin.
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MIsForMadalina · 26-30, F
nice pic, and im from Bacau- Romania :))) ( ar fi trebuit sa ma nasc in Londra, da na..si Dumnezeu mai greseste) =))) :)))
belldeblue · 41-45, M
Soon to come, baby. :)
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DenisaRaducu · 31-35, F
Sacrificii ? ... prea putine , poate niste nopti nedormite si niste bani cheltuiti insa fanii au dovedit ca merita !
belldeblue · 41-45, M
Very strange... So, i have any chance to have a beautiful girlfriend like you, someday? I never had a girlfriend till now and i wonder if is something wrong with me. You, girls, are way too kind with me. :)
DS1480533 · F
Foarte modest:)) frumos:*
SkeletonDance · 26-30, F
PhanniiB · 31-35, F
^^ nice pic (^^ )
belldeblue · 41-45, M
God! I'm so beautiful, that i can't even look at my self!... Who has a similar opinion?

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