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What’s the creepiest/scariest thing that ever happened to you?🤔 [I Am Interested In the Paranormal]

DoubleRings · 51-55, F
I was working in a school late at night around midnight (and I disarmed the alarm when I got there). The alarm oddly started tripping so I decided to go home. It wasn’t full on sounding but just tripping a bit until I made it to the front then it full on SOUNDED and I couldn’t figure out why. It was VERY dark in the school so I made my way to the front where the office was so I could shut the alarm off and reset the alarm for the night. It kept telling me there was movement in the hallway right beside me and there was no one there - just pure darkness. I couldn’t set the alarm because it was detecting movement.

In the morning I asked the staff if this was something that had ever happened before. No one had ever had that problem. And no one could explain why the alarm sounded when it was already disarmed.
I was visiting my sister years ago. She ran down to the grocery store, my nephew (baby at the time) was sleeping. I was in the shower and suddenly could feel stomping around in the hallway, like someone was running back and forth. I figured my sister was back and forgot something, so I got dressed and was going to go talk to her. Suddenly, my nephew started shrieking and crying. I went to check on him. He was alone. My sister wasn't around. When she came back, she insisted it wasn't her. Freaked me out.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Being born naked in front of a bunch of strangers. It made me cry!
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
It was either getting a really bad infection and having to go to the hospital, or getting chased in a car/by people with knives at 2am in the middle of nowhere.
ncgremlin · 56-60, M
I thought I was being followed home late one night from work
Probably the time I was tripping and I saw Jesus. I followed Jesus a couple of miles down the road and then he disappeared. The worst part is that the stuff I was using at the time wasn't even a hallucinogen ffs

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