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And some said Heaven would be boring...😂

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DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
Now i know it Can't be
@DanielsASJ they are about 12 ft tall! Some are taller.
@DanielsASJ According to the Bible, Jacob wrestled with an angel in the Book of Genesis, chapter 32
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@LadyGrace Why dis he do so?
@DanielsASJ In the Bible, Jacob wrestled with an angel to receive a blessing from God. He told the angel he would not let him go until he blessed him. Hahaha He was a very stubborn and selfish man, who tried to steal blessings from his brother and father-in-law. He was afraid of Esau and his approaching slaughter squad.

God wanted to give Jacob his blessing, but he needed Jacob to stay and fight, instead of running away.

Jacob wrestled with the angel throughout the night until daybreak. The angel crippled Jacob with a blow to his hip, but Jacob held on.

The angel gave Jacob a new name, Israel, which likely means “he struggles with God”. The angel also gave Jacob a blessing.

Jacob's name switches back and forth from his old name to his new, throughout his life. This is a common theme in the Bible, where God gives people new names to give them a new identity.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@LadyGrace Like Simon, Peter the Rock, Should I have a new name too?
@LadyGrace The Archangel Michael, is a "chief angel" who will lead a war against Satan in the end times.
@DanielsASJ The Bible says God will give us all a new name.

The Bible suggests that everyone who goes to heaven will receive a new name: a unique name from God.

God's new name: People will also receive God's new name, which will link them to him for eternity.

The Bible also includes examples of God giving people new names in the past, such as:

Changing Abram and Sarai's names to Abraham and Sarah.
Changing Jacob's name from "deceiver", to "one who prevailed with God."

Changing Simon's name to Peter, which means "rock".

The Bible also suggests that people who overcome, will receive a new name:

Revelation 2:17: God will give a new name to those who overcome.
Revelation 3:12: God will write on the one who conquers his name and the name of the new Jerusalem.

Therefore, in heaven we'll receive two new names. The unique name God will give to us alone, (Revelation 2:17), and His new name linking us to Him for eternity, (Revelation 3:12).
@DanielsASJ We are ‘a new creation’ (2 Corinthians 5:16-17) and the New Covenant promise prophesied by Isaiah, is now true for us, ‘… you shall be called by a new name that the mouth of the Lord will give.’ (Isaiah 62:2b).