Very beautiful. Were your ancestors living in the countryside?
@REMsleep My great great great grandfather was the King & warrior hundreds and thousands of years ago in Kashmir. During the early 1600's , my great grandfather continued the family occupation and became a commander to fight the Mughals. But he settled near Mumbai. And since last 300 years we have settled in Mumbai.
@SW-User couldn't read that plate. Whats his name?
@WandererTony oh fck i forgot there r Indians here who can trace my last name. He was with Shivaji and i can tell u my last name privately only after you guess who was his commandar. Haha don't Google it
@SW-User Read that concocted myth. Looks like Everyone wants to be from Khashmir especially Nepalese and Indians. Have a few Nepalese and Indian friends in Egypt who keep fighting for whose ancestors were from Khashmir. Maybe because Khasmirians look more like the people from Middle East.
@Adidas11 have you lost your mind? Kashmir is an integral part of India. What r u a Pakistani?
And i agree that Khashmir is a part of India. I said everyone wants to be of Khashmir because people of Khashmir look like Middle East people of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar. So, in young people, there is a charm to connect roots to Khashmir.
@Adidas11 what nonsense! Kashmiri pandits exist too. There are not just Muslim kashmiris who do resemble ME. You should not open ur mouth on such a sensitive topic when you have no practical knowledge and understanding and only limiting yourself to theory.