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My boarding school is about the same age. I like placing my hand on the old woodwork and thinking about those who stood there before me through the ages. I find it reassuring rather than spooky 🙂
Meatboy · 18-21, M
I believe in ghosts too, haven't had a person experience with one though which I'm happy about lol
Same my old work place was in a 100 year old building and working late at night was terrifying!!!!
river52 · 70-79, M
122 year old house here........someone rattles the dining room door handle sometimes......
BiasForAction · M
Post the stories! Everyone loves a good ghost story
I believe in them because I have seen, heard and felt them :)
chrisCA · M
That house must have a lot character, and charm.
lonelyloner · 31-35, F
i lived in an old house too but never feel anything
Kumar007 · 36-40, M
Hi,will u discuss,what happened
Beautyisamonstrosity · 36-40, M
Maybe the ghost is trying to escape.
Tukudo · 41-45, M
Did you see ghost literally ?
SatyrService · M
raised in a ghost house
Sounds fascinating
Do u watch a hauting?
Gangstress · 41-45, F
Ooo what's happening?
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Scary things?