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I Am Not Afraid Of Friday The 13th

Friday the thirteen has almost gone, but it reminded me of someone who always seemed to have such bad luck it made him believe 'I must have pissed on a witch.' If I believed in such things as good and bad luck then a couple of weeks ago I must have done something similar. A combination of a horrible bug, a bathroom leak and car the dying again and causing me to be late for work. What was not so funny was discovering some revolting phlegm smeared on the passenger door handle as I got in. I don't doubt other cars along the street have been subjected to the same treatment by some dirty moron.
Silverwings · 61-69, F
Yuck.......have you ticked off anyone?
BeneaththeCalm · 61-69, F
Never found out who done it. Disgusting!😖
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Noway345 · M
That kinda stuff makes me so mad,just wish I could get my hands on them.

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